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Thread: BAlls to you All!!!
15th March 2004, 08:28 PM #1
BAlls to you All!!!
I don't know how they wrote this with a straight face. This was a real
memo sent out by a computer company to its employees in all
seriousness. It went to all field engineers about a computer peripheral
problem. The author of this memo was quite genuine. The engineers rolled
on the floor! Especially note the last couple of sentences.
Re: Replacement of Mouse Balls.
If a mouse fails to operate or should it perform erratically, it may
need a ball replacement. Mouse balls are now available as FRU (Field
Replacement Units). Because of the delicate nature of this procedure,
replacement of mouse balls should only be attempted by properly trained
personnel. Before proceeding, determine the type of mouse balls by
examining the underside of the mouse. Domestic balls will be larger and
harder than foreign balls. Ball removal procedures differ depending
upon the manufacturer of the mouse. Foreign balls can be replaced using
the pop off method. Domestic balls are replaced by using the twist off
method. Mouse balls are not usually static sensitive. However, excessive
handling can result in sudden discharge.
Upon completion of ball replacement, the mouse may be used immediately.
It is recommended that each person have a pair of spare balls for
maintaining optimum customer satisfaction. Any customer missing his
balls should contact the local personnel in charge of removing and
replacing these necessary items. Please keep in mind that a customer
without properly working balls is an unhappy customer.Boring signature time again!
13th September 2005, 05:59 AM #2
Originally Posted by outback
That is very very true!http://www.la-truciolara.com/
La Truciolara is the workshop where I do my shavings.
13th September 2005, 10:20 AM #3
Originally Posted by outback
I doubt it. C'mon it can't be possible.
13th September 2005, 10:45 AM #4
Originally Posted by Wongo
http://www.snopes.com/humor/business/mouse.htm"Looking west with the land behind me as the sun tracks down to the sea, I have my bearings" Tim Winton
13th September 2005, 10:58 AM #5
Yeah, I remember this one from about 1990. I got it in my MVS email account from one of the Ops guys at Commonwealth Bank. Neither of us had a mouse at the time.
"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
13th September 2005, 11:07 AM #6
It does remind of a real email that was sent out when I was at the bank. They were having problems with the PCs used in the branches. They were going through heaps of memory cards and the only cause they could determine was static electricity but no-one could work out where it was coming from. One of the guys had a hunch it was coming from the tellers somehow, so he went out with a static meter, which he held down around the PCs while the tellers were walking around. He didn't get much of a reading until one of the female tellers came over and she was wearing stockings. The thing went through the roof. His analysis of that one made very amusing reading. I wish I had a copy of it.
"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."