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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    hey sturdee i was the same as you woundnt be here today if i didnt have the surgery and i was only 50 cheers ken

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Sorry to hear of your problems KymG. I have only just read this thread and thought I would relate my experience of robotic surgery that I had a little over four years ago. My urologist referred me to a Continence Pyhsiotherapist a few weeks before the operation. She gave me several exercises to improve the strength of my pelvic floor muscles which I am still doing although not the three times a day I was doing.

    Apart from a little incontinence in the first couple weeks I have had no trouble since which according to the urologist is the result of the exercises. It's possible that the exercises don't work for everyone and I apologise if I am stating the obvious but I thought i would put it out there in case you can benefit.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Lalla, Tasmania


    Yep a TURP might be the answer if not peeing ok as the build up of urin affects the kidneys also. My urologist made me pee in a special toilet that gives a read out of flow over time. If it is a problem you need it sorted as you may have kidney failure and not every one survives kidney failure and then if you survive it's a kidney machine job 3 times a week. I was one of the youngest he'd operated on, it seems the problem is getting younger men also. When I went to urologist the waiting room was packed so your not the only one, three men a day are dying of prostate problems. I managed to get a surgeon that did ops in a public hospital which saved a heap of money and then the Medicare rebate helps. I was out of pocket about $2000. Now I love the sound of a pee it refocuses the mind on the simple things of life. Sex, well I have a helpful wife but at least I don't have to wear a nappy as some require after and the main thing is I'm alive with both my kidneys in tact and I look at life diferently now.


    ps live life and pee well I say
    Power corrupts, absolute power means we can run a hell of alot of power tools

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    I had a turps about two years ago because of an enlarged prostate. It worked well I no longer have to get up 4 and 5 times a night. If you are wanting children it might create a problem though, the tadpoles swim upstream after the procedure. They tell you some feel no pain yet others do, I think it probably depends on your surgeon, I always seem to get the butchers. I was fine until they removed the tube and I went for a pee. I passed out from the pain. Doctors seem to lack any form of common sense, the tube was around 12mm diameter, fine if you are John Holmes I suppose, but if you are not it obviously damages the urethra. So, was it worth it? You bet it was I usually only get up once per night now, the pain is only a distant memory.

    Sent from my K013 using Tapatalk

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    I have been told by a bloke with prostate problems that when having a piddle the best thing is to point Percy at the porcelain, get rid of as much urine as you can and then sit down on the throne and you can get rid of rest.

    I don't have prostate problems but use this method anyway.

    I used this method after having a catheter removed in hospital and the nurse was amazed that my bladder was empty when other blokes did not get rid of all their urine.


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    I had the modern version of TWRP called green light. Instead of cutting some of the enlarged prostate away it uses a laser. Quicker recovery, less bleeding etc. I used to go every hour in the day and every 2 hours at night. That has changed drastically. I often sleep through the night or at worst going once and in the day time I sometimes have gone 4 or 5 hours without going. The best part is that the urgency to go has subsided and I can hold it for an hour. I can now go the flicks, travel large distances and go for long walks without the need to go. If you have BPH (large prostate) and constant urinating is affecting your daily duties then see a urologist ASAP. Short term pain, long term gain

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