Hi all, I'm new to the forum here

We have just purchased an old home, it's a Queenslander style home (possibly Ashgrovian??). We have a LOT of casement windows, some french doors as well as normal sized doorways. I have two indoor cats which I'd like to keep as indoor cats so fixing some sort of fly screen is going to be a necessity.

Would anyone have a bit of guidance as to what I should be looking for when trying to find someone to put screens on our home? I'm assuming we will have to use retractable screens so that we can open the windows properly. We also have windows that slide up and down (I'm not sure if these are also called casement windows or something else?) so they won't open outwards but instead just slide behind one another. Would we need retractable screens on these for any reason, or would we just fit screens to the outside of the window so that they can be opened from the inside while the screen is fitted to the outside?

We are located out near ipswich (a bit further out), would anyone have any recommendations for businesses I could get out to quote on such a thing?

Thanks in advance!

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