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Thread: The Forum Express
13th July 2016, 06:41 PM #31
13th July 2016, 08:54 PM #32
Should exciting to see photos of a slab sliding across a concrete floor
13th July 2016, 09:12 PM #33
I think that's called a skateboard
Those were the droids I was looking for.
13th July 2016, 09:20 PM #34
13th July 2016, 09:56 PM #35
21st July 2016, 06:51 PM #36
I guess I'm too lazy or 'intellectually challenged' to put these projects into their correct subfora, so I'll just post a few more pics and then work out how to do it 'later'?
The timber I bought for me from Boutique,......
......... rather than the piece that Christos and Mario bought for bridge building, is for my next 2 projects.
The first project relates to a request which came from the customers for the daybed. The request went along the lines of "before you make the first production batch ( BATCH! ) could you make a prototype in timber finish"? I bought some camphor laurel slabs from Mal and today starting making the feature pieces..... look at the fiddleback!
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I made templates when I made the first painted feature pieces and so it only took a couple of hours to get these done whereas the prototypes took days! I'm hoping to get away with making just the feature pieces, the front cross brace and possibly the back rail as 'timber finish' and keep the rest in much more forgiving painted finish. I think it will be a test of my salesmanship
The second project has been on the back burner for a while but has leapt to the front after a lucky find in the beautiful little village of Millthorp. I long ago bought a beautiful piece of Afghan jade marble to make an Australian Colonial style marble topped (wine) dresser. I bought some Australian red cedar at SWWWS, also from Boutique, for the main body but nothing much could happen until I found some suitable tiles for the splash back and that's where Millthorp came in. The SWWWS cedar wasn't thick enough to cut the 'legs' so I bought some flitches on the last visit and today starting cutting it down. Legs require straight sides ..... but flitches don't have ANY
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So, by the end of today, most of my 'forum express' timber was cut up and inside the shed rather than stacked on the verandah. I also gained quite a pile of camphor smelling firewood offcuts ..... a sweet day!
flettya rock is an obsolete tool ......... until you don’t have a hammer!
21st July 2016, 09:29 PM #37
Another reason to raid your offcut bin!
Work is a necessary evil to be avoided. Mark Twain
21st July 2016, 09:38 PM #38
21st July 2016, 09:44 PM #39
22nd July 2016, 03:22 PM #40
Good to see you have two fine gents will to scramble for your cast offs
One mans off cuts another mans pens eh Pat
Alan the Camphor is absolutely glorious to see a full day bed in it the user would be like a Kola up a gum tree. Of course these embellishments and fine figured wood add to the price tag by at least a further couple of hundred.
ARC nioce too.
19th February 2017, 01:07 AM #41
Hi all, it's great to see the transport forum going strong and this thread is exactly what I was hoping would happen.
Cheers all.