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22nd February 2016, 03:00 PM #1
Retrofit steel lintel to brick veneer wall
I am installing a new window into an existing wall, which will have to be cut out to accomodate the window.
The wall is of the brick veneer variety, and my question relates to the installation of a steel lintel into the brick veneer wall. The window is positioned on the ground floor of the house, and as a result the brick wall above the new window opening need to be supported, even though it does not support anything other than it's own weight.
I intend to use a Galintel which is effectively a heavy duty piece of angle iron.
My query relates specifically to issues relating to supporting the wall during the period of installing the lintel, and also specifically how the lintel is installed to ensure that the bricks above the lintel are properly supported across the total length of the opening via direct contact with the lintel.
I have looked at various sources explaining how props should be used etc, but cannot find any detail of how the lintel is physically installed.
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