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Thread: Repaint door
2nd January 2016, 01:41 AM #1
Repaint door
Ok the previous owner has made an attrocious attempt to paint the door. Not sure what happened there but I have posted photos for your reference. As I'm the new owner, I would like to repaint the door. It is a door that connects the garage to the backyard so it will have exposure to the elements and sun. I've found the paint the previous was using - it was Finish by Wattyl (Doors & Trims - Enamel High Gloss). It still have a fair amount of paint in it so is this paint still suitable for this? Also what is the best procedure to get some decent paint on this - should I sand it first or just repaint over?
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- image1.JPG (84.6 KB)
- image2.JPG (103.5 KB)
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