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Thread: Priorities
3rd December 2015, 09:22 AM #1
Ever noticed the number of people with tattoos?
I watched a father the other day with his raggedly clothed children. He had just been to Dan Murphy's and bought a supply of Bundy.
He was smoking and covered in tattoos, some of which were fresh and yet to be finished. I later saw him at the Centrelink Office
sorting out some welfare payments. He was getting agitated because it concerned allowances for "me kids".
This got me thinking about the cost of inking the skin so I asked a couple of young fellows about the cost of their tatts. One had a
tatt that covered the back of his fist and cost him $600!! Another has a tattooed arm, mono colour cost about $2000!!!
How many thousands of dollars must some people have spent on tattoos? I will bet with some I have seen it amounts to tens of thousands.
Perhaps the government could pass legislation banning tattoos for people on welfare benefits.
Another curiosity about these tattooed people is that they often have something tattooed on their skin that they nothing about. I'm an inquisitive
bugger and often ask questions. Several times I have seen younger people with a tattoo of Tanatanka Yotank -Sitting Bull. Not one knew who he
was!!! I have seen other symbols inked onto the skin that the owners know nothing about. Baffling indeed.
3rd December 2015, 10:13 AM #2
There are certainly swings and roundabouts associated with "food vouchers" for welfare payments but one of the definite swings is that children are more likely to be fed in situations where the parents are tempted to spend money on tattoos et al.
3rd December 2015, 11:11 AM #3
Hang about Evanism!! I had no worries about anything you have brought to the fore.!!
The observations were made regarding the priorities of the recipient of ANY money. Many
with tattoos, many smokers many drinkers, many drug users are in gainful employment.
In fact all the people I questioned about tattoos were employed. I know this because
I spoke to them at their workplaces.
I guess one could take the line that what ones does with their earning is their concern.
I would qualify that by saying that as long as the kids are not disadvantaged. However,
when work dodgers waste given money I get a bit upset. When those who are not in a
financial position to indulge in - as I see it = needless spending then I also get upset.
Getting on your high horse about public servants serves no purpose that I can see in this thread.
3rd December 2015, 07:02 PM #4
One that I hear.... "I can't afford to save up a deposit for a house!" (Has $10k worth of tatts and smokes a pack a day. Alternatively, has tatts that cost $2k and $8k worth of frequent flyer points because they fly to Thailand every 6 months to get more tatts).
3rd December 2015, 07:16 PM #5
I'm not a personal fan of tattoos but I see it as no worse a waste of money as any body adornments like make up and cosmetics, hair cuts and colouration, fashion, jewellery,and cosmetic surgery for its own sake.
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3rd December 2015, 08:10 PM #6
When I was in the Army I had a friend who was tattooed from wrists to ankles with very little in between that was still its original colour. I have no problem with that, he was a single man on a good wage and that was his thing. nobody else was missing out on anything because of his hobby.
He had actually worked as a tattooist in the 1970's when all the martial arts were very popular. He said a lot of people used to come in and ask for a tattoo of chinese or japanese writing. They did not really care what it said so long as it looked authentic. He found some chinese/japanese-looking writing on a can of tuna. Now there heaps of 1970's era tough-guys probably all in their 60's and 70's running around Sydney with "Nett weight 450grams" tattooed onto their bodies in chinese.
DougI got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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5th December 2015, 07:03 AM #7
The essence of the thread is "Priorites" so more than what available money is spent on, such as tatoos, is whether it can be justified at all.
It comes into the category of unjustifiable luxuries. This would include all those items previously mentioned such as cigarettes and booze if it means the children going without essentials such as healthy food and clothing.
Regrettably I see this distorted sense of priorities quite a bit.
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
5th December 2015, 08:35 AM #8
A friend of mine has a daughter who works in Family Services. She said that when they go out to investigate a family over concerns about the welfare of the children its pretty simple.
If the television is bigger than the fridge they take the children away.
DougI got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
5th December 2015, 01:38 PM #9
In one of those "i`ll get one if you do"mates moments back in `71 i got a boofy bravado skull & bones entwined with a snake in living colour. Hmm,about 3" in area.Done by then premier tatter Alex Chater. Forget how long it took,probably half hour & 10 bucks. I still like it but never considered getting any more.
7th December 2015, 09:49 PM #10
A lot of the people being referred to here often get their tatts on a barter system. There are quite a lot of talented tottooists out there working in home industries. I don't get the facial tatts, once the tatt defines the person, then that person is lost.
TTLearning to make big bits of wood smaller......
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