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Thread: Cows on the road
29th October 2015, 07:42 PM #16
Hi Ian, this subject is very close to my heart, I do not take it lightly when you add a "word" to try and undermine my knowledge in this area, don't insult me. I was a primary producer, Cattle, fresh water long fin eels for export, Goats to name some. I participated in the white paper for bovine control, as well I was involved in trying change the old English law of PRIMA FACIE. the law changed in NSW, VIC and SA, not In Queensland, bigger beef industry.
by the way the horse, was 3 year old $250,000 stud imported from USA as a colt and not "Wild" it a was found that a tree had fallen due to a storm bring down a set of steel yards, the stud is 15 km from the state road.
Dear Mapleman sorry to insult you for putting my two bobs worth in, I would like to see that Regional council do what they say they can do, for it will open the doors right across the state for legal action. another bark dg with no teeth
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0MAPLEMAN thanked for this post
29th October 2015, 08:26 PM #17
Council actually seemed quite concerned
Went to town this afternoon and guess what...Beefy was on the road...again
Rang council straight away...took pics of it and screamed a few times
They assured me that a ranger would come straight out
Will contact them (council) in the morning to see what happened to the cow AND its owner
My friend who i care for wont travel to town now as she is too scared we might get hurt
Have mentioned this to council as well
Yes there are roos in my area and they too present a hazard when driving
Can't control or contain them...but livestock can and should be!
Seems the landowner definately has a duty of care. in this shire at least
Had some battles in my life and survived...the last thing i want is to be taken out by a cow because of some stupid lazy farmer not tending to his fences
I'll fight hard for a positive result on this one ...MMMapleman
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 , 0Bob38S liked this post
30th October 2015, 12:10 AM #18
I'm sorry if what I wrote offended you.
I'm not as close to the horse incident as you obviously are and should not have relied on Sydney news reports -- which from memory concentrated on the Bruce Hwy being unfenced in the area and the need to cull the many feral horses in the area.
I am aware of the Singleton City Council v Brodie ruling and can tell you that in NSW at least, the removal of the non-feasance defence resulted in a flurry of activity by the various road authorities.
I can also tell you that in the past 15 years or so the High Court has over turned another archaic law which was deemed well past its use-by date, so I suggest there's hope that in time common sense will prevail on the matter of fencing major highways.
please accept this apology
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 , 0Opelblues2 thanked for this postMAPLEMAN liked this post
30th October 2015, 08:21 AM #19
The reference to culling may have been in reference to recent news reports about the Bruce Highway north of Townsville.
Two deaths here recently and there is culling of brumbies going on right now due to these deaths, the most recent a 15YO boy.
These wild horses are causing the problem on the road near Rollingstone/Bluewater area and some of this is national parks area.
Main roads have also reduced the speed limit in the area to 80Kmh to try and protect people from injury. Serious problem.
Cheers, Ian"The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot.. it can't be done.
If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to add something for the risk you run.
And if you do that, you will have enough to pay for something better"
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0MAPLEMAN thanked for this post
30th October 2015, 07:35 PM #20
Just drove home from town and guess what?
Not one but 2 cows on the road this time...and in the same spot as Beefy was
Took pics and will ring Council first thing monday morning as they obviously have sorted NOTHING!!
Will ring every phone,knock on every door and do what it takes to get these animals off the road permenantly
I am livid...MMMapleman
30th October 2015, 07:57 PM #21
are they calm or skittish, the reason I ask is it safe for you to get the number of the ear tag, if not which road is this happning on, and the nearest cross road, how far from town or I will get on my NLIS account and see if i can find who owns them, or brand
Last edited by Opelblues2; 30th October 2015 at 07:57 PM. Reason: edit
30th October 2015, 08:22 PM #22
They are skittish...tried to get tag numbers but they were too cunning
They are on Cove road towards Old Cove road end (last property on the right hand side just before(200 metres) Old Cove road/Cove road T junction)...there are no dwellings on the property either but there are on the other side of the road...Stanmore,4514
Will post more accurate location details tomorrow if need be
The fact that they are skittish makes them even MORE dangerous
Game on...i won't give up until something is sorted
No one puts my life or my friends life at risk and gets away with one
And i don't walk away from scenarios like this until justice is served...MMMapleman
30th October 2015, 08:55 PM #23
30th October 2015, 09:22 PM #24
The road is very dangerous...only just accommodates 2 cars...certainly no room for cows
The shoulders of this section of road are very slippery when wet too, being close to swampland
All the ingredients needed for a disaster waiting to happen
Would like to stress that this problem (cows on road) has been happening for months now
And that it is happening on nearby roads as well
Would like to see hefty on the spot fines issued to the landowners responsible for allowing their livestock to roam feral
Hit 'em in the hip pocket
This is a very serious problem around this neck of the woods...MMMapleman
30th October 2015, 09:26 PM #25
31st October 2015, 04:02 PM #26
This is a time honoured problem. Unfortunately cattle are not born with a chip inserted, it is the responsibility of the owner to do this prior to marketing. If a Cockie is incapable of keeping his stock off the road, the last thing he would be doing is making them traceable. The bloody things are probably "clean skins."
Good luck trying to sue...Nobody injured, owner not known, no malicious intent.
Sounds like a "plaintiff to bear costs" job to me.
31st October 2015, 09:37 PM #27
1st November 2015, 12:26 PM #28
Glad to report that ALL cattle have been removed from the paddock...every single one
Don't know where they went and don't really care
Can now drive to town without FEAR!...Woohoo...MMMapleman
1st November 2015, 12:50 PM #29
1st November 2015, 01:10 PM #30
I would still drive with "cattle on the road" caution.
The removal may only be temporary as stock is sold or replaced.
Just a thought.Regards,
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
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