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Thread: Masters
23rd October 2015, 06:13 PM #31
Here is a cat out of the bag. Autonomous vehicles with side lockers.
A Certain Company's phones know where you are at all times. Right to the metre. Always. It's reported as a continuous stream of intel. A Certain Company also has autonomous vehicles.
Ones coffee beans aren't delivered to your door. It's delivered to you. Your phone beeps and says "package for you is waiting 10 metres away. Go get it. Locker 5, opening code is 12345". It knows you are there. It knows you are at the shops. It knows when you are at work. The phone can say "delivery in 37 mins. Is this OK?". Press yes and its there. It may be initially addressed to a place, but it will find you.
Won't help Nana with her bags of cement, but will solve 100 problems:
-- Builders send apprentice out for bags of nails and a left handed hammer. Solved. Apprentice now stays on site.
-- Need a DVR sent from the local Dick Smiths? No courier needed. Autonomous Vehincle booked and parcels are put in lockers and distributed.
-- I order 4 clamps. They are sent straight from Masters Airport to me that afternoon. Or at 9pm while I'm home.
-- Masters own their own "locker boxes". They fill them during the day and the mini auto truck simply collects them at night like a mini skip.
The locker "cars" can change compartments by swapping them on and off like mini shipping crates in its own secure depot guarded by a snarly dog.
Doesn't need to work for Nan, but works for 70% of people.....
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23rd October 2015, 08:35 PM #32
What a brilliant way for terrorists to play havoc among the citizens of a country, or some mischief making.
I do see it as something in the future but a lot of what ifs, and ors and buts to be sorted first. The supermarkets and their warehousing operations and major suppliers would be the first cabs off the rank, spare parts for car dealers, definitely has potential but for the average citizen, too many variables.
The unions would have an epileptic fit.The person who never made a mistake never made anything
25th October 2015, 07:00 PM #33
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25th October 2015, 08:55 PM #34