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16th September 2015, 02:41 PM #1
Replying to posts, unnecessary quoting
When replying to a post please don't use the Reply with Quote button unless absolutely necessary, especially if there are pictures in the post you are replying to.
Using the Reply with Quote button this way makes the thread unnecessarily long and it takes much longer to scroll through.
We see plenty of threads where this happens, there may be several pictures in a post, then someone replies to it quoting it and we see all those pictures posted again, usually right underneath the original post, with maybe 1 or 2 lines of text.
Please use the Reply to Thread button where ever possible, it will make scrolling through a thread much easier and quicker for everyone.
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16th September 2015, 02:57 PM #2
As there are alternate ways of extracting and quoting I'd like to see the quote button removed completely.
16th September 2015, 03:20 PM #3
Bob, the main issue is not with the Quote button but how people use it, repeating a number of (sometimes very large
) photos is not necessary and clutters up the flow of threads, as does posting 2 sets of the same photos in a post.
People tend to click the Reply with Quote because its closer and it becomes a habit.
16th September 2015, 03:24 PM #4
You can us the reply with quote function but then edit the quote to remove pics etc and just leave the part you are specifically replying to.
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16th September 2015, 03:28 PM #5
Yes, that is what I normally do when I need to quote a post.
As a moderator I at times do this in other peoples' quotes where I think the pictures quoted are excessive.
16th September 2015, 03:52 PM #6
16th September 2015, 04:35 PM #7
take a look at hotcopper.com
its a stock market forum. they handle quotes differently. much more streamline. it condenses the quoted material into a clickable bubble, when clicked it expands to display the full quoted material. and iirc images that were within the quote aren't displayed as per the usual, instead it gives a clickable link to the image.
16th September 2015, 06:15 PM #8
I like that idea. Unnecessary quoting is in the same category as hitting "reply all" when you don't need to. Grrrrrrr
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Big Shed liked this post
16th September 2015, 07:48 PM #9
However, if the original post is long, it may be desirable to quote a snippet of the original post so that it is clear to the reader which bit you are responding to.
True, it is often not necessary to include pictures in a quote but if a post contains a lot of pictures it may be a good idea to include one picture in a quote if you are commenting on something in that one picture.
Multi-quoting can also be useful as it allows you to get right to the point of your reply without having to explain what part of the original post it applies to.
PS: But seriously, why start a thread asking people not to use the quote button when replying to posts, particularly the one immediately above and then, yourself, quote verbatim the first reply in the very next post? Was not the purpose of the thread to ask us not to do exactly that?I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
17th September 2015, 11:37 AM #10
Fred was pointing out the problem of quoting when there are a lot of pictures or a massive ramble that goes on for a number of screens. There really isn't any need to quote at all if you are responding to a thread in general or the post directly above yours, but if you wish to point your reply to a specific person then the quote will make it obvious who your post is aimed at.
I have hated the "Reply With Quote" thing from the day it went on as almost from day one it made threads longer because lazy people just had to do it that way. It is also a bit of a drain on resources and can slow down loading of pages.
It's easy enough to quote a line or portion of a post or numerous snippets from other posts, without the need to copy the entire thing along with half a dozen pic, unless absolutely crucial to the post.
Originally Posted by Kuffy
Some people are naturally lazy and will look for the easiest way out and the "Reply With Quotes" link is the most visible and the easiest, although I think I've only used it maybe 4 times.
Same thing has happened with the "Thank you / Likes" links. People say the forum doesn't have as many posts now.... That's because you don't have to put down your feelings in words anymore all you need to do now is hit "Like" or "Thank you. Posts have dropped off but Likes & Thanks are running into many thousands per month replacing the posts.
Cheers - NeilKEEP A LID ON THE GARBAGE...Report spam, scams, and inappropriate posts, PMs and Blogs.
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17th September 2015, 12:31 PM #11
Another quoting issue is when someone comes on an individually but successively replies with quotes to 5 or six people instead of one post simply with responses directed to each person by name.
So you end up with a bloated thread for no reason other than laziness.…..Live a Quiet Life & Work with your Hands
17th September 2015, 01:14 PM #12
Neil, I'm surprised you couldnt find replys including quotes on hotcopper. People love to pick apart and argue on that site, given that one of primary uses of many people is to mislead others into buying a stock while they are trying to sell, or vice versa.
anyways. post #5 on this thread has quotes, its quite a big quote. click the orange bubble and it expands, and since it such a big quote, at the bottom of the expanded bubble is another clickable link to allow it to expand to the full quote.
it also included an image, but displayed a smaller version of the image rather than the big one in original post.
you are correct that it isnt your bog standard off the shelf forum. Im sure its a fully custom built site with alsorts of tracking going on given that legal action due to the actions of others on that site is not an uncommon occurrence.
Off the top of my head (i aint fantastic with web programming, only know enough to get by for my own meager requirements), the quotes could be replicated with a bit of CSS and javascript. to give a link to an image rather than displaying the image would need to be done in the php scripts.
17th September 2015, 01:35 PM #13There are more pages in this discussion• 155 more messages in this thread..
Need to register to see post #5.
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17th September 2015, 01:40 PM #14
ahh yeah, its kinda weird. i think it defaults to viewing single posts at a time, there is a link up the top somewhere to "thread view" which will display the entire thread. perhaps you need to sign up.
17th September 2015, 02:33 PM #15
I must admit, I like the idea of the "Like this post" and "Thanks for this post" buttons. Its a simple way to pay basic courtesies and I might suggest it on a couple of other forums I belong to (assuming no copyright issues?)
Regards, Paul
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