Ok so while my re-roof is on hold till the weather clears up I want to take the opportunity to do some stuff indoors.

I need to construct a stud wall to bring the face of the existing wall into the room approximately 180mm to accomodate some speakers (idea being they sit on a shelf recessed into the wall), reason for this being I will have a projector screen mounted on the wall in front of the speakers. Now i've read several guides and watched some videos regarding stud wall construction and while I have no problem with that (pretty much anyhow) i'm trying to figure out the best way to do this and still have a shelf for the speakers to sit on.

For example if I just constructed a wall say 80mm away from the brick wall using 90x35mm timber plus 10mm plasterboard to give me the total of 180mm I would end up with a gap between the stud wall and the original brick wall or perhaps I could just double up with the 90x35mm and have one frame in front of the other if that makes sense?

Hopefully some of the more experienced people out there can offer some ideas.

thanks, Lee

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