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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Perth WA


    Hello Bruce,

    East but not as far East as you, Bayswater. And it was Stuart who put me out of my parallels misery -

    I have a really vague distant recollection that Hoffman made a vice. Whether I saw one once when I visited their premises back a couple of decades ago, I'm not sure. Having grown up with Records and Dawns I probably thought a Euro vice was a weird stumpy looking thing. I have never used a dovetailed bench vice but the must be something special about them for a local manufacturer to produce their own copy.

    Fellow forum member Michael G, finder and forwarder of this not dovetailed beauty - forwarded his Boley watchmaker's vice to my daughter in Melbourne. Beck says the vice is a joy to use so hopefully I will discover the attraction of the dovetail on my next visit. Here's the Boley -

    P1020913%20(Large).JPG P1020921%20(Large).JPG


    PS. I know Kalumunda's appeal. We often park near the library to go bushwalking.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Anorak Bob View Post
    Hello Bruce,

    East but not as far East as you, Bayswater. And it was Stuart who put me out of my parallels misery -

    I have a really vague distant recollection that Hoffman made a vice. Whether I saw one once when I visited their premises back a couple of decades ago, I'm not sure. Having grown up with Records and Dawns I probably thought a Euro vice was a weird stumpy looking thing. I have never used a dovetailed bench vice but the must be something special about them for a local manufacturer to produce their own copy.

    Fellow forum member Michael G, finder and forwarder of this not dovetailed beauty - forwarded his Boley watchmaker's vice to my daughter in Melbourne. Beck says the vice is a joy to use so hopefully I will discover the attraction of the dovetail on my next visit. Here's the Boley -

    P1020913%20(Large).JPG P1020921%20(Large).JPG


    PS. I know Kalumunda's appeal. We often park near the library to go bushwalking.

    Cheers Bob - thanks for the further follow up on the little Eclipse #235 vice info and apologies to Stuart re not giving him his proper accolade for his good deductive work there.

    Yes some good bush walking up this way - we are across the road from the Mundy Regional Park - it has a daily visit from me & the two hounds - you can walk for miles in it - I will send you a PM - if you are up this way again in the future you might like to pop in - it would be good to meet you.

    I am paying a visit to my mates place tomorrow who has the Schaublin 120VN lathe - I am going down to hang a half a dozen doors for him - so while there I will take the camera down and hopefully take some snaps of the machine/accessories and to get its Serial No details etc.,

    Cheers and thanks again Bruce

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Photos of the Schaublin 120VN

    Hi Bob - re my earlier PM to you this afternoon on the Schaublin 120VN lathe - see photos of it attached here - as mentioned access to the m/c was a bit of an issue - it will hopefully improve down the track if my mate gets his act together - his is hoping !!!

    Cheers again and regards


    Quote Originally Posted by sheoak17 View Post
    Cheers Bob - thanks for the further follow up on the little Eclipse #235 vice info and apologies to Stuart re not giving him his proper accolade for his good deductive work there.

    Yes some good bush walking up this way - we are across the road from the Mundy Regional Park - it has a daily visit from me & the two hounds - you can walk for miles in it - I will send you a PM - if you are up this way again in the future you might like to pop in - it would be good to meet you.

    I am paying a visit to my mates place tomorrow who has the Schaublin 120VN lathe - I am going down to hang a half a dozen doors for him - so while there I will take the camera down and hopefully take some snaps of the machine/accessories and to get its Serial No details etc.,

    Cheers and thanks again Bruce
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Perth WA


    Hi Bruce,

    Can you suggest to your mate that a coating of rust preventative and a cover sheet would probably slow down the 120's deterioration? It would make your job somewhat easier if you do eventually get your hands on the lathe.


  5. #50
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default 120 VN Technical Data

    Quote Originally Posted by Anorak Bob View Post
    Hi Bruce,

    Can you suggest to your mate that a coating of rust preventative and a cover sheet would probably slow down the 120's deterioration? It would make your job somewhat easier if you do eventually get your hands on the lathe.


    Cheers again Bob - yes thanks for the suggestion re the preservation action - I am heading back to my mates place tomorrow - I will see if your idea can gain some traction with him - he has been spurred on a bit of late by my interest in his m/c and has pulled some tech literature off www including the front part of the 120VN Manual in English - about 30 odd pages worth - but this does not seem to be quite complete - if any members reading this forum entry have some additional Tech data etc., on the lathe it would be good to get hold of same. Thanks again for the feedback Regards again Bruce in the Hills

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Heidelberg, Victoria

    Default In tears

    Oh my God, it's enough to make a grown man cry to see such a beautiful lathe covered in junk and "flight rust".

    It's obvious that machine hasn't been used in years jammed up next to the band saw.

    Nothing else matters, you have to promise to rescue that Schaublin before it's too late.

    Don't hang the doors before you have custody of the lathe, that's an order!.


  7. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Commiserations re my Mates 120VM

    Cheers Ken

    Thanks for your message of sympathy re my mates presently unloved Schaublin 120VM lathe - yes life is not fair at times - a thing of beauty & precision should not be left in that state to be sure. Hopefully the opportunity will present itself in the near term to at least give it a preliminary/interim clean and some preservation treatment.

    Thanks again for your comments/interest.

    Cheers and regards


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