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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Things that go bump in your Shed at night

    Fellow Sheders

    I thought I'd start a thread on things that scare you in your shed at night. I've had a few. Some have scared the livin berjebers. out of me. My biggest fear is finding a big snake ....

    story 1 - true story titled ' Smelly Shed'
    For months I had this disgusting smell in the shed but couldn't seem to find the saws.

    Then one night I was turning some pens for an urgent delivery and there was this gnawing and scratching sound. It would stop and start when I turned on the lathe.... I froze I thought it was a blue tongue or a Goana .. There big and feierce in Qld.

    This went for months I pulled the shed apart but couldn't find anything .. The smell continued. then I started to put one andddd two together ... My dog Nics is a Cocker and loves bones and gets one every morning .. I usually chuck them but realised I hadn't for months ... I thought he is hiding them in the shed ... He loves a stinky smell and loves to roll in it ... So I confiscated the chewed bones ... Still the smell and the noises continued....

    Then I got serious .. I did a total shed clean out .. You know those you only do once in your life ... Middle of a Qld summer ... Getting quite smelly ... I found tons of bones high up in the beams and battens ... How did they get there ... Makes no sense ...

    ..... Will continue later ... The boss wants me to mow the lawn ...... 🚗

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I feel totally comfortable in my shed at night.
    Even when machines are turned off I still have quite a few things that still emit light so I can sort of see a little.
    Battery charger LEDs
    Theres a blue V/I panel meter on the breaker box and several others on other machinery which still operate when the machine is off.
    A CO2 monitor on the ceiling shows a number and small blinking light.
    There is also have a low wattage sign that said "Warning X-rays on" but I now turn that off unless we are away.
    It might look a bit spooky to someone that doesn't know what is going on but that's fine with me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nerang Queensland


    Nothing inside the shed worries me, I've had 2.5m python and heaps of live and dead rats (neighbours have birds so I bait often), but outside is a different matter. Nothing like a possum jumping down on the roof from a tree high above . Forumites coming to visit and think it is funny to see me jump as they creep up . Then there is the neighbour's dog that sneaks in and licks the back of my knees
    Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Wantirna Victoria

    Default Well?

    Hey Goggo,

    Don't keep us in suspense! What was it?

    Cheers, Redbog

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    moonbi nsw Aus


    Apart from the "Possy Family" there is also 2 or 3 Skinks that give me heart failure when I see an inch or so of head or tail. Its amasing just how I am on "Snake Alert" subconsciously. From time to time the shed has been the place to raise a number of Willi Wagtails, Swallows, a Chat. It has also been the place of visitation for Brown Snakes and a Tiger Snake once. The rats come and go. I bated 2 weeks ago and now there is a very "juicy" smell of rotting Rattus.
    My timber stash is in need of inspection due to White Ants around.
    Sometimes at night there are some noises but nothing is really scary even though it is very dark out.
    Just do it!

    Kind regards Rod

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    What scares me is all the unfinished projects and work still to be done. Oh and a bat scared the crap out of me when I first moved in. It was fluttering about in the dark and I'd switch the lights on and there is nothing to be seen, look everywhere. Turn lights off to walk out,there is again, Lights on nothing there , another search, nanda. Repeat several times get more creeped out and irritated. Finally I spot the bugger hanging on the side of one of the roof beams. Opened all the doors and chased him out with a long soft bristled broom.

    Light off it is feeding time, lights on he went to bed, I guess I was confusing hims as much as he was me.
    …..Live a Quiet Life & Work with your Hands

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Horsham Victoria


    I walked out the shed to see some lurking in the dark near the back door the orher night. Got the old ticket pumping. It was justy reflection in the window lol

    Dave TTC
    Turning Wood Into Art

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Gold Coast


    It was the middle of the afternoon and the new cat had been out boundary riding. I hear a guttural gurgling meow enter the shed and I look around to find said cat with a pleased as punch look on his face and a whip snake neatly coiled around his lower jaw. A live trophy, not dead.

    By the time I chased him out and got the snake off him, the Fuzzette wouldn't believe me, until a week or two later when he presented her with the same present in the living room.

    A few screws went in the cat door after that!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Things that Go Bump

    Hi all

    sorry I didn't get back to the post on the weekend. Got caught up welding the Goggo chassis ... 🚕

    Ok ... To cut a short story long .... Yes it was a rat .🐭.. A very smart rat. As I pulled the shed apart I found the strangest thing. With in the braces of the shed are hidden channels. There were millions of bones .. Organised in sequence ... In order ... Small highly chewed bones organised in order right thru to large fresh bones .... Each brace had the same order of bones right to the roof ..... 🙈 I cleared them out ....

    End of story ... Not quite ... Then to catch the rat ... I decided if I caught it I would call it Rat Face and make it a pet ....

    I tried baiting, an expensive rat trap, peanut paste ... Na .. Too smart .. I'd leave it a month bones .. Then the smell and bones would start again ...

    I only ever saw Rat Face once ... Poking his head over the fence ... A coloured rat ... Domestic I'm thinking ..

    Then one day nothing ... just disappeared ... No more Rat Face ...

    i know this sounds a bit strange but I became fond of Rat Face ... End

    🐭 Randal 🐭

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Things That Go bump in the Shed

    Fellow Shedders

    ok for the second in the series ..

    I originally come from Bribie Is ... My mum had the worlds best shed .. Post war materials cobbled together .... A long skinny shed with benches and hidden compartment ...

    one night i was was welding and I heard this noise .. scapping .. Like a piece of hose being pulled thru boxes ....

    I turned and saw 👀 the body of aw hat I thought was a large snake .... i crapped myself ....

    The next day I mentioned it to my mum .. She said as a matter of factly..... Oh that's Bossy my pet Blue Tongue he lives in the shed 😫


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