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Thread: Sound familiar

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    western australia South West

    Default Sound familiar

    Colonial Secretary`s Office,
    Sydney,20th March, 1868.

    The Treason Felony Act,- The attention of the public generally is directed by the government to the provisions of the Treason Felony Act, 31 Vic , No.25, particularly to the provisions of the 9th section, published here under for general information.
    All loyal subjects are hereby called upon to assist in the enforcing the provisions of the Act, by giving information to the authorities respecting persons rendering themselves liable to prosecution, and by exercising the powers conferred upon every person, to arrest offenders under the 9th section of the Act.
    " 9. If any person shall use any language disrespectful to her Most Gracious Majesty or shall factiously avow a determination to refuse to join in any loyal toast or demonstration in honour of her Majesty or shall by word or deed express sympathy with the crime of any persons stated or suspected to be or to have been engaged in the commission of or in the attempt to commit any felony under this Act or shall express any approval of the conduct of any persons stated or suspected to be engaged in the commission of or in the attempt to commit any such felony or shall hold out by word or deed as worthy of praise honour or commendation the conduct of any persons who may have been or may be condemned and punished for such conduct in due coarse of law every such person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour and may thereupon be apprehended by any constable or any other person without any warrant for such purpose and on conviction shall be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding two years "

    This section of the Treason Act was put in place after the shooting of the Duke of Edinburgh, and was aimed at the Irish Fenians, but the shooting was committed by a lone mentally disturbed Irishman. Just an observation

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Central Coast NSW Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by dusteater View Post
    This section of the Treason Act was put in place after the shooting of the Duke of Edinburgh, and was aimed at the Irish Fenians, but the shooting was committed by a lone mentally disturbed Irishman. Just an observation

    I s'pose they could have cancelled his citizenship too........

    Learning to make big bits of wood smaller......

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