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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Default More Canada.... And some USAke

    Sorry still no photos!!!

    We had a brilliant time in Vancouver and Whister before setting off on the Canada Rail trip to Jasper throgh the Rockies . Superb Scenery and some interesting people to talk too.

    Thought the scenery from th train was something until we took the coach from Jasper to Lake Louise along the Icefield Parkway!!! i have never seen scenery like this!! Every inch is a postcard, except you get it all in three dimensions. Got to walk on a glacier, something I had never anticipated doing during my stay on earth.

    Lake louiseis every bt as spectacular as you would think and then some.

    Off to Banff,just another gorgeous place. Couple of nights there and thence to Calgary,a spreadout city on the edge of the praries and a boom town because of Alberta's abundant oil and gas reserves.

    Took a trip up to Drumheller to the dinosaur museum and then onto Red Deer. back to Calgary wher we stayed with a great couple who were originally from Jamaica. brian and I wereable totalk cricket Nd he personally knew many of the WI greats as he and his brother had gone to school with them. Great bloke and his wife was just as pleaseant to know.

    Onto Buffalo via Chicago.O'Hare International Airport must surely be one of the workst airports on th planet!!!!!!

    Have spent three great days in Bhuffalo with Ana's American family from when she was an exchange student.

    Off to new York tomorrow then Philidelphia and Penn State Industries. Thence to Anapolis and onto NewOrleans.

    Progress report later.

    Cheers al and I hope al are well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by artme View Post
    Sorry still no photos!!!
    In the interim, here's links to a few of mine from a similar trip.

    We had a brilliant time in Vancouver and Whister before setting off on the Canada Rail trip to Jasper throgh the Rockies . Superb Scenery and some interesting people to talk too.
    Thought the scenery from th train was something until we took the coach from Jasper to Lake Louise along the Icefield Parkway!!! i have never seen scenery like this!! Every inch is a postcard, except you get it all in three dimensions. Got to walk on a glacier, something I had never anticipated doing during my stay on earth.
    I agree, one of the best scenic roads anywhere. That road - normally a 3.5hours drive one way took us 8 hours because we had to stop every few km's to take in the scenery and take photos.

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