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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Cool A day at the Brisbane Wood Show

    Yesterday I spent the day at the Wood Show. I suppose some people may not find enough to do but I found one day was not enough. I got there just after 10 and left at 4 wishing I had more time. I had great fun.

    I have been going to the show for a long time now and have got into a bit of a routine. When I get there I spend a while roaming aimlessly just to see what is there and where I should focus. Then I get into the serious looking and talking. But for the last two years I have added a stint on the Wood Forum stand.
    The best thing about the show, apart from all the shiny toys is the chance to talk to people about their passion for the craft.

    I met a chap making greenwood furniture, Greg Miller and he seemed endlessly enthusiastic and willing to share his experiences. He showed me his tools and how he uses them. We talked about how he got into the craft and the people he has met.

    Scroll sawers are also often willing to have a chat. I spent a while with a man making chess pieces. I have a cheap scroll saw but I only use it for cutting templates and such so that I can leave the resaw blade set up on my bandsaw. He opened my thinking to a whole new raft of possibilities.

    Then there is Stan, who makes guitars out of just about anything. I lost track of how long I stood watching him play and sing. His ability to put on a show for an audience of one person with the same gusto as he might do for a 100 is incredible.

    Even the time on the Forum stand was well spent. I have been offered a red cedar tree but I need to have it felled. One of the men who came to the stand was a retired tree feller and I was able to get a lot of information from him and some phone numbers where I might get the job done.

    I even met a chap is is/was a teacher as I am/was and who shared my disgust with the behaviour of many modern parents. There is something strangely comforting in meeting another person who dislikes the same things as you do. A bit sad really I suppose.

    I was pleased to meet the staff of McJing, to whom I gave some more of my cash. They are an amazing company, with service that many others could copy.

    There was much more. Men from various Wood Clubs and Men's Sheds, displays and demonstrations and a wonderful interview with a roast beef roll. But just as I was getting into the swing of things a voice came over the airwaves telling me that the venue was closing in ten minutes and I had to leave.

    I am probably easy to please, but I always look forward to a day at the Show.
    My age is still less than my number of posts

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Ormeau, Gold Coast, Australia


    I spent Friday & Saturday at the show and though as always I enjoy myself and made a few purchases I feel the show has stagnated some what, there didn't appear to be anything new and a few of the regulars were AWOL.
    I was a bit disappointed in that I am thinking of purchasing a scroll saw and was hoping that there would be some to look at and compare but could only find the Sherwood ones that Timbercon were selling. Alas I will wait a bit longer and investigate what's available in the coming months. Might even look at a good quality used one if one comes up.
    I spend some time on both days on the forum stand and met some more forumites which is always a pleasure and hopefully encouraged a few people to sign up and become involved. Another disappointing aspect was the lack of support in regard to volunteering to help man the forum stand, only 12 volunteers on the roster for the whole weekend I think is a poor effort considering how much we all get out of this forum, however to those that did commit I wish to thank for your time and effort.
    Here's hoping there will be another next year.
    Regards Rumnut.

    Qld. Australia.

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