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  1. #16
    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    In terms of where should the pedestrian crossing at a roundabout be located -- there's no easy answer.
    Well I think that the one crossing that is set back a proper distance (18 metres) proves the case for it. I drive and walk there very regularly and I don't recall any problems - there is some choking but not like the other crossings produce. That crossing is the main street of Katoomba "Katoomba Street" which is where all the tourists are headed - it's just that they ALL have to use that first crossing after alighting from the train.

    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    move it 15 to 20m from the roundabout and the pedos don't like the extra distance they have to walk so start looking to cross the road before the crossing and some cars will be accelerating back to their desired travel speed
    Well, they might just have to get over it.....

    I mean, I can't see them saying "Not coming back here - too far to walk to cross the road". In truth they are unlikely to return anyway.

    The big problem with those short distances is pretty basic: take the burgundy car that had to stop so quickly behind the red car (second pic I think). The driver may be a local but also could well be an unfamiliar tourist. Getting through that roundabout (coming from the hwy) can take some time - the VERY last thing an unobservant driver expects is that the car the has just got through the roundabout ahead of him is then going to stop IMMEDIATELY on the perimeter, causing him to crash stop (albeit at low speed) and leave them stranded in the middle of the roundabout, blocking other traffic. An observant driver would/should anticipate this but as we know there are already so many obstacles for drivers to take in, even an observant driver can be caught out from time to time.

    Roundabouts are pretty tricky when the traffic is heavy. As you say, the rule is give way to traffic already on it, BUT that still leaves plenty who think the "follow on" rule prevails. And THAT means extra things to be observed and dealt with. Having the vast distraction of pedos right on the spot as well is just ridiculously raising the bar, and asking for trouble - the pedos are the last in the chain to be dealt with (when the dopey driver thinks they are clear at last) and that just heightens the danger to the pedos.

    Extra eye attracting material (bright colours, flashing lights or whatever) to highlight a crossing that is 15-20 metres away would go some way towards alerting the unobservant when they have to slow down from what will be a slightly higher speed.

    We all wish that every driver was alert and observant, but that just ain't gonna happen (you oughta try being a passenger with my mother - it's a white knuckle freakout - when she was any age). So, given that it's extremely unlikely that drivers or pedos are ever going to change, we then have to accommodate the situation as best we can.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  2. #17
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    when I see a pedestrian crossing, I just take my foot off the accelerator and put it on the brake in readiness for a pedestrian to cross. If the pedestrians a lady, I check her out, and think about how advantageous it would be to have tinted windows, so I could look at her without risk of staring and resembling a pervert. If its a bloke I do nothing. When the pedestrians nearly crossed, I consider the timing for hitting the accelerator. I mean, is it rude to roll over the crossing when say the pedestrians on the last white bar ? Can I get away with doing it when he/she's on the second last bar without looking pushy ?

    If its a lady I find particularly attractive its the opposite. Instead of worrying about offending the pedestrian I have to worry instead about annoying the driver behind me. Uno, how long can I get away with just sitting here checking her out before the driver hits his/her horn ?

  3. #18
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    Jake, I'm tempted to say that's the first sensible post on this thread...but I won't.
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  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    I shouldn't have presumed that our familiarity was sufficient that I could post this without including the right smilies

    I'm sorry
    I'm sorry too Brett for liking the post ...but i felt there was NO malice intended by Ian and certainly none by me liking it...thought it was humorous but sad to see it may have initially offended you...Cheers MM

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAPLEMAN View Post
    I'm sorry too Brett for liking the post ...but i felt there was NO malice intended by Ian and certainly none by me liking it...thought it was humorous but sad to see it may have initially offended you...Cheers MM
    Nah, it's all good. I was pretty sure Ian wasn't trying to be offensive, but what can come out of it is that without a smiley some others might think so and jump on what they think is a bandwagon (a couple spring to mind.....). I guess that may only be relevant for people that have become a target for a couple of individuals. They might "like" a post just to point score, you see - there was an example of that just recently in one of my posts - original comment meant as humour, but got a "like" which clearly wasn't meant as humour.

    I take Ian's point that familiarity can obviate the need for smileys - I've done it myself because it can make the humour behind the comment drier, and therefore funnier.

    No worries, let's move on.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  6. #21
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    Recently, I had the opportunity to ask three policemen their understanding of the rules for roundabouts. Each had a different answer! One refered to them as "whirlpools." Oh well, I guess someone must know what's going on.

  7. #22
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    Default Traffic and pedestrians and "council"

    Until I retired last year I was very involved with the local pedestrian community.


    The mini roundabouts in Katoomba are typical of replacement of pedestrian crossings at T and X cross intersections in areas of limited high peak demand. Try telling the ratepayers that they have to go out of their normal patterns to allow for the people in cars - especially if it is 35 degrees or 3 degrees and raining.

    Think yourself lucky that the main cross street in your town is not a 'state highway' all local rights go out the window.


  8. #23
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    Default Evil old ladys

    Quote Originally Posted by brontehls View Post
    I'm not an expert on old ladys but I think you've gota watch out for some of them. Some like in the first picture(1st pic) , who reminds me of my late grandmother, are just lovely. The sort your willing to go so far as to even get out of the drivers seat, and stop traffic to help her cross.

    BUT I reakon some, like in the second picture(2nd pic) are just EVIL. Evil grannies. Don't think I'll help them. Because of her obvious physical weaknesses, her power trip can only be through manipulative verbal communication. Because she knows only too well just how powerful a kangaroo court can be. Drools over the thought. Once she gets her mind set, your stuffed. Seems like all towns have them, and due to there inability to just mind their business and accept varying ideals, are one of the true causes of community disrepute, as they doggedly, with such hate, get there way, embelishing/ misleading others to come to their defence using their feelings of honour and principle as a tool(no matter what the truth is). So yeh, I understand the fear of upsetting some of them over pedestrian crossing placement. Dangerous women.

    I reakon if your particularly unlucky you may snag an Evil granny with muscle backup. The one that has say a football playing son, who loves her mum…….. ' LOVE YOU MUM. grrrrrr….we'll get him. he'll be driven out eventually' . …...He'll be her muscle. She'll love it. Lap it up. The most vulnerable to her persuasion seems to be the Gentelman football player son (3rd pic) , who will knee jerk particularly quickly to save the day for his team and his mum as soon as he hears her 'victimised' sounding voice.

    I've got a football player following me around town at the moment(I don't know if he's a gentleman or if he loves his mum. Excellent painter though) and it ant pretty. An angry looking man, looking for some opportunity to deck me. I'm not in the habit of fighting so he probably could. I better stay away from dark alleys and stick to pedestrian crossings. I was thinking of a way of defending myself and other community members from such a angry man who could explode at any moment. And then I realised.…..LEGO ! The kids don't use it anymore ……so I'll walk the streets with my pockets full of lego, and when I see him about to cause a public disturbance, especially on pedestrian crossings, I'll throw lego at his feet….that'll stop him. I don't know about you, but it bloody hurts when I step on lego. stops me in my tracks. ……. I think I'll make it a daily thing. A community vigilanty service. Lego patrol to keep these undesirables at bay. AND I'll do it for free. Hope I get town credit for it.

    Angry men like this just need to be watched uno. I must remember, when I go on patrol, to take my phone to pre warn the community of his movements.

    I do think cigar smoking grannies are pretty cool though regardless to their nature. (4th pic) .
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