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1st December 2014, 07:42 PM #16
Know where you are about. I might have done alright too - except as a woodworker I was not part of the select group who could be seen when they came in the door - I buy, I have needs which I can pay for and the only staff member who acknowledged me in 6 or 7 visits was the dog
Sydney is a comfortable day trip from here - guess where my money went and still goes
12th December 2014, 09:26 AM #17
Just put in a call to Carbatec in Brissy to try to get an understanding of what is going on with my orders.
Was informed there is a massive backlog in the callcentre responding to email... My query regarding outstanding/backorder items sent 3 weeks ago was still in the queue for answering.
I was informed that there is a website update in the works that would allow stock tracking so you don't have to order stuff that is not in stock and wait for an indefinite period for it to arrive. I noted with my latest order that shipping costs are now a feature on their website (saves around 4 days waiting for someone to get back to you with a shipping price)
They can't give me a date(or month) when my stuff might arrive or be delivered and I was told I was welcome to cancel the order....
I will also note that buying gear from Amazon/Rockler/other direct and shipping via a freight forwarder is much cheaper and while we try to support the Aussie Companies, they are not making it easy...
I do hope someone from Carbatec reads this forum and can see that their reputation is suffering.
14th December 2014, 04:24 PM #18
To be honest I don't think that they care anymore. This a feeling I get with most companies, that are on a national level, not only wood working but 4WD stuff also.
16th December 2014, 11:58 AM #19
Yep, Darren is about the only guy there who I now deal with. He's a star. He responds quickly to email, is keen to help you out, and seems to really care about the customers. Unfortunately some items can only be bought from Carba-Tec and whenever there is a problem (which there invariably always is), I contact Darren.
I also have the Melbourne manager's mobile number given to me by a call centre person in Brisbane! Had a number of (heated) discussions on the phone with him about their poor service and numerous mistakes. He really doesn't care.___________________________________________________________
"The things I make may be for others, but how I make them is for me."
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