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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Hand Tool Preservation Association of Australia tool sale

    Yes people, its on again at Glenferrie Primary school this weekend. Saturday 6pm to 8.30pm for members and Sunday 9am to 12.30pm for the general public. Drop by and disappear into an all consuming parallel universe of great tools, great chat and a discover wonderful way to spend a Sunday morning. I'll have my usual "two tables of Titans" (TTT - get it?) down the back but I'm only a very minor and narrow player. Others have some really great stuff especially Frank Ham who will have up to four tables of his fabulous collection to sell. A brace of classy dealers will be there and heaps of consignment tools to go as well. Hope to see all the usual tragics and new tragics too. Also there is an increasing number of students buying good old tools recommended by their teachers. Yes, the wheel turns again.

    Ask me any question you have about Titans. For anything else ask the other members (I'm very narrow). Whatever it is, someone will no doubt know.

    See you there


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default A treasure at the tool sale

    Quote Originally Posted by Doggie View Post
    Yes people, its on again at Glenferrie Primary school this weekend.
    See you there Dick
    Well. Its over. Sold a heap of Titans and Bergs. Saw a few formites and had some interesting chat. Altogether another enjoyable experience and I'll do it all again next March. However. The big take out was a Titan I picked up off Frank Hams tables. I actually found an early fifties, light socket, bevelled edge chisel (236) in "never been used" condition. It has the "thumb bob" handle and THE PIN STRIPE TURNED GROOVES a la Berg (Swedish pattern) copy handle. How good is that?? I've found very dilapidated versions in the past but this one beats the band as a preserved example. For Titan person this is getting towards the holy grail. I am truly a Titan God now. Yes. True. It shows. I am perfect and cannot be improved on. Nurse says I have developed an aura (probably a result of excessive shock treatment). Anyway I feel better. Even the restraint brothers with their valcro jackets show some respect. They took the chisel off me when I came back. Nasty nurse.
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