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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Help Please - Need To Learn How To Build In bound Links To Website

    I'm looking for any suggestions to build in bound links to my websites.

    Kentucky Walking Cane

    Kentucky Walking Stick

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    What has worked for you in the past?

    Just having a bit of a problem getting visitors to my website.

    I have a facebook page also.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    I'd start here:

    Also think about using Pinterest (pin up a collection of walking sticks, both your own and ones that you have seen/liked) and maybe Etsy as well.

    I'd also drop the distinction between walking sticks and walking canes; essentially you are splitting traffic - if it is an important distinction, have a history/all about type page to tell people about it.

    Do some more informative content on your facebook page; tell/show how things are done rather than just plugs for your website URL.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Central Coast, NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by stixman View Post
    I'm looking for any suggestions to build in bound links to my websites.

    Kentucky Walking Cane

    Kentucky Walking Stick

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    What has worked for you in the past?

    Just having a bit of a problem getting visitors to my website.

    I have a facebook page also.
    Good question ! I've been struggling with inbounds for 18 months and finally given it up. I've come to the conclusion that they (in fact off-page SEO generally) isn't worth the trouble. Nice if you can get them, but not worth the trouble.

    My conclusions:
    sites like most forums, Pinterest, etsy, facebook etc are either nofollow or have so little linkjuice that they are not worth the trouble. I had 80 of these inbounds and still had a pagerank of 0.
    Webrings are a waste of time.
    Contacting other webmasters for swaps is just too hard - and its too hard dealing with other peoples misconceptions and jealousies and downright silliness.

    So what I do is completely ignore offpage including inbounds and concentrate on on-page SEO and make sure I have the best on-page possible - and frankly it gives me all the traffic I need. The main thing is to segment your market - don't try being on page 1 for 'widgets' - you never will be because the big guys with big budgets will dominate this space, try being on page 1 for 'central coast widgets' instead. Works a treat, especially if you are the only widget seller on the Central coast. Segment everything up, and investigate each keyword on Google Search till you know just how many people are hitting it and if it really represents an active segment. Look for keywords which you are not using - Search will give you keywords similar to what you are using but may never have thought of.

    Also, make sure you are shaping the capsule description (which people see when they do a search and your site comes up in the results). Its amazing how many people neglect this - in fact almost everyone does. You need to make sure its clickworthy - its not good enough just to get up in the first few pages on google, you need to make them take the next step and click through to your site. Think about what it is that could make them want to click through - sometimes its product stuff but sometimes its just a relaxed attitude and a bit of humour.

    In fact, consider if you really should be on the first page on Google. My experience is that most people have a gut feel for how search works, and they know that the sites which come up first are either ones which pay to be there or are big companies selling a homogenised product. Most people know that if they want something handcrafted they will probably have to buy from the little guy and he probably wont be on page 1. There are a lot of people out there who will tell you that you need to be on page 1 to get visits - they are trying to scare you into buying their overpriced SEO services. My experience is that you do not.

    A final thing - consider buying some Google Adwords. If you sign up for Google Analytics then they should send you a freebie offer - usually spend $25 and get $100 free. You probably wouldn't want to buy adwords for your site all the time, but we are coming up to Christmas so buy Adwords for the pre-Christmas period and stack the bucks in piles till you have time to count them after Christmas.

    Apologies for unnoticed autocomplete errors.

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