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Results 631 to 645 of 774
17th September 2014, 12:08 AM #631
Hey fella's, you better move away from the dunny before he has another blow out
The person who never made a mistake never made anything
17th September 2014, 10:47 AM #632
Just made it, the car was on its last legs too.
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
17th September 2014, 07:31 PM #633
He nearly made it to the loo before the Genii escaped from the bottle...
- Andy Mc
17th September 2014, 11:52 PM #634
"Where's the creek?"
veni, vidi, tornavi
Without wood it's just ...
18th September 2014, 09:27 AM #635
For sale one slightly used s... Box
Only used on Sundays
Needs cosmetic work
18th September 2014, 08:51 PM #636
Kenny's pit crew
Cheers, Bob the labrat
Measure once and.... the phone rings!
20th September 2014, 11:30 PM #637
Who said he couldn't drive for sh*t
The person who never made a mistake never made anything
23rd September 2014, 10:23 PM #638
Last chance I am judging tomorrow
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
24th September 2014, 06:29 PM #639
24th September 2014, 08:06 PM #640
Thanks, Hugh. Let's see what the members make of this 'un...
- Andy Mc
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 , 0gms002a liked this post
24th September 2014, 10:13 PM #641
veni, vidi, tornavi
Without wood it's just ...
24th September 2014, 10:19 PM #642
Drink a drink a drink for Lily the pink elephant.
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
25th September 2014, 06:12 AM #643
The latest design in leather armchairs that Fred and Wilma are considering.
Fred says the stone ones are out of date and cold.
25th September 2014, 07:05 AM #644
Trunkty dumpty had a great fall.
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
25th September 2014, 08:35 AM #645
The day finally came, when Dumbo was kicked out of the nest.
Life isn't always fair
....................but it's better than the alternative.
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