Hi All

I have an internal beam in the middle of an old extension that is very low (2.2m to bottom of beam) with 2.7m ceiling. It was originally the external perimeter of the roof (back porch) and supports both original rafters and the extenion's flat roof and ceiling joists. It's a 300mm beam with a approx 200mm stud wall on top of that so I have 500mm deep beam in the room. A structural engineer called in and will draw up two options for timber and steel. Steel option is a T-Beam (upside down). The flat roof sits on one side of the inverted T while the rafters and ceiling joists on the other side do the same. It does seem like a very good solution but...... HOW MUCH? Anyone got any idea on how much a 200mm steel T-Beam to span 4.5mtrs would cost and where to source in Melb . The attachments the internal beam and the current structure..
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