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  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Melbourne Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by welder View Post
    The thread was never intended to become 96 page thread.
    Dont sweat on it Andre. Your in the clear. You could stop it right here.

    *Do you think you have ever stolen any thing, from any one.*

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Machtool View Post
    I am supprised you wrote it off so easily, given that Andre is at the very coor of the issue. Surely you cant have demands to change his thread title, with out reflecting on him. Have you thought that through? I'm a bit disappointed.
    Yes Phil, I have. Andre replied some time ago that he did not mind and that is why some of us have raised the question - I think I posted his response very early in this thread.
    The arguments against changing the thread seem to come down to either
    • People bullying "the young bloke" and having to have others stand up for him, or
    • It's been going for 3 years why change now, or
    • Changing the thread title is bowing to politically correct behaviour and we will be damned if we will do that.

    None of us suggesting a different title are suggesting that Andre must change the title and we respect his free will. If he is feeling pressured or even bullied then all he needs to say is that he doesn't want to change the thread title and that's it. The responses from him are normally along the lines of "I don't have a strong preference either way".
    I do know that some here haven't liked that thread title for some time - to claim everyone has been happy for 3 years is not quite correct. I know of some members who won't post there because they feel it is inappropriate. Their choice of course. While I will comment on other's posts, I will rarely post there myself for that reason.
    As for the PC argument, it's never been mentioned as a reason for change. That is other people leaping to conclusions about our motives. I happen to have an old fashioned view of language so to me gloat means exactly that - celebrating your good fortune at the expense of others. That's all.

    Those defending the thread as it is may not have noticed that those suggesting change have long since abandoned the field. We never demanded - this thread was started to gauge sentiment about changing and what would be a good alternative. While it is good to see some passion in people's opinions, ask yourself this -
    If for some reason (break up of a marriage, retrenchment, financial hardship or what ever) you had to sell your machines - or had someone sell them against your wishes, would it make you feel any better about the situation seeing someone talking/ bragging about the low price they paid for a machine or piece of equipment? Before there are claims that that will never happen, I know of one member who's marriage did break up and one of his fears was that his ex would sell his machines for silly prices purely out of spite...

    I like a bargain as much as the next person - for example I once bought a near new piece of equipment for another member for around 1/6th of the replacement price (from memory he decided not to gloat about it either) but I have also had to accept lower than desired prices for things I've had to move on too and would never brag about it as I know what goes around comes around.


    PS The last two items I sold on ebay, the buyers actually gave me more that the final bid, perhaps recognising that the price was "a steal". Similarly, these days when I buy person to person I will always ask whether the other party is happy with the price if I think I'm getting too much of a bargain.
    Last edited by Michael G; 5th June 2014 at 10:41 PM. Reason: Added PS

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Newstead Victoria

    Default Here's that ''Gay time Gum flapping Jealous Green Eyed Pariah from newstead

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael G View Post
    Yes Phil, I have. Andre replied some time ago that he did not mind and that is why some of us have raised the question - I think I posted his response very early in this thread.
    The arguments against changing the thread seem to come down to either
    • People bullying "the young bloke" and having to have others stand up for him, or
    • It's been going for 3 years why change now, or
    • Changing the thread title is bowing to politically correct behaviour and we will be damned if we will do that.

    None of us suggesting a different title are suggesting that Andre must change the title and we respect his free will. If he is feeling pressured or even bullied then all he needs to say is that he doesn't want to change the thread title and that's it. The responses from him are normally along the lines of "I don't have a strong preference either way".
    I do know that some here haven't liked that thread title for some time - to claim everyone has been happy for 3 years is not quite correct. I know of some members who won't post there because they feel it is inappropriate. Their choice of course. While I will comment on other's posts, I will rarely post there myself for that reason.
    As for the PC argument, it's never been mentioned as a reason for change. That is other people leaping to conclusions about our motives. I happen to have an old fashioned view of language so to me gloat means exactly that - celebrating your good fortune at the expense of others. That's all.

    Those defending the thread as it is may not have noticed that those suggesting change have long since abandoned the field. We never demanded - this thread was started to gauge sentiment about changing and what would be a good alternative. While it is good to see some passion in people's opinions, ask yourself this -
    If for some reason (break up of a marriage, retrenchment, financial hardship or what ever) you had to sell your machines - or had someone sell them against your wishes, would it make you feel any better about the situation seeing someone talking/ bragging about the low price they paid for a machine or piece of equipment? Before there are claims that that will never happen, I know of one member who's marriage did break up and one of his fears was that his ex would sell his machines for silly prices purely out of spite...

    I like a bargain as much as the next person - for example I once bought a near new piece of equipment for another member for around 1/6th of the replacement price (from memory he decided not to gloat about it either) but I have also had to accept lower than desired prices for things I've had to move on too and would never brag about it as I know what goes around comes around.


    PS The last two items I sold on ebay, the buyers actually gave me more that the final bid, perhaps recognising that the price was "a steal". Similarly, these days when I buy person to person I will always ask whether the other party is happy with the price if I think I'm getting too much of a bargain.
    Michael your message too spells out what I have been saying but sadly others have seemed to comprhend in other ways.

    I am of the old school r r r who try to use our bastardised english language correctly.
    As you and I have both said it could happen to you some day then you might change your views.For some one who has endured that find out what its really like!All that was to do was for any one to go through any of these ''gut wrenching'' situations its tough.
    As for ''gum flapping'' I type this with my dentures in.
    When a member goes off on a tangent personally insulting a member for me its rolls off my shoulders.Us country boys can take a good knock down.
    Last night a pm was sent to Andre and a reply from him saying that he is not insulted of this thread content
    If its personal to have a grudge that is what the private message is for.Not to vent your spleen here.
    So with that I bid you adeau from the top of the Eiffel Tower in Gay Paree counting rivets and admiring De Lessep's fine engineering skills.

  4. #94
    Join Date
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    Far West Wimmera


    Quote Originally Posted by Oldneweng View Post
    My vote is for "Today's Tool Acquisition".

    As I suggested, I think that each title should only be posted once. After a set period ask for a poll to be arranged, then members can vote for their favourite title. Only one vote per member, but more than one title can be suggested.

    When the count is in, everyone should accept the will of the majority.

    I vote for 2 weeks of suggestions then a poll.

    This is the original post.

    It appears that a lot of people have forgotten it.

    I am wondering what galaxy some of you people are from.

    Forgive me for not reading posts, but when I realized that this train was never going to get back onto the track I could not see any point, despite the entertainment value.

    See above.

    Just to have one last attempt for realities sake, I am not trying to change the name! I am only trying to give everyone the opportunity to consider the question. So get off my back, I don't have an agenda, unlike some of you.

    All you naysayers have completely missed the point. There is one thing that cannot be changed, no matter what you think. My original intent. Anything outside this is pure fantasy.

    Another song quote. In the immortal words of Rod Stewart.

    "The Principal has left the stage
    The crowd don't understand".

    Cheers. Everyone


  5. #95
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Oldneweng View Post
    This is the original post.

    It appears that a lot of people have forgotten it.

    I am wondering what galaxy some of you people are from.

    Forgive me for not reading posts, but when I realized that this train was never going to get back onto the track I could not see any point, despite the entertainment value.

    See above.

    Just to have one last attempt for realities sake, I am not trying to change the name! I am only trying to give everyone the opportunity to consider the question. So get off my back, I don't have an agenda, unlike some of you.

    All you naysayers have completely missed the point. There is one thing that cannot be changed, no matter what you think. My original intent. Anything outside this is pure fantasy.

    Another song quote. In the immortal words of Rod Stewart.

    "The Principal has left the stage
    The crowd don't understand".

    Cheers. Everyone

    so the point want us to vote?

    My Vote is to leave it as is.

  6. #96
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    Far West Wimmera


    One quick correction.

    "The Principal would like to leave the stage."

    Eskimo. I give up. You just don't get it,do you?

    I'm done with this thread.


  7. #97
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    This thread wasn't started as "should we change the name?" it was started as a foregone conclusion that the name was going to be changed, we just had to choose the new name. Was that not your intent? So some of the people happy with the name pushed back.. this makes you right and them wrong?

    I remember the last time a mod removed some "inappropriate terms" from a thread*. It fairly hit the fan around here.

    Perhaps we should start a thread on the correct spelling of color?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldneweng View Post
    Forgive me for not reading posts
    No, but it is an interesting position to argue from. Maybe someone back there had a valid point?

    I guess its a waste of time to add anything else.

    Damn now I am out of coffee


    *and I think most would agree they were worse than the G word

  8. #98
    Join Date
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    Armidale NSW


    Wow, what a monumental waste of time. I'm glad I didn't read most of the responses.

    The over sensitive reaction to the title of a thread is PC gone mad. Simple answer is if you don't like it, don't read and/or don't contribute to it.

    Move on.

    Bite off more than you can chew and then chew like crazy.

  9. #99
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    Jun 2008
    Victoria, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael G View Post
    The arguments against changing the thread seem to come down to either
    • People bullying "the young bloke" and having to have others stand up for him, or
    • It's been going for 3 years why change now, or
    • Changing the thread title is bowing to politically correct behaviour and we will be damned if we will do that.

    Hi Michael,

    Good summary, I'd perhaps add, that you could insert another category in the above list, and that is, that a significant number don't really care either way, ( I'm pretty much in that camp, in that I don't care to tell someone else what thread title to use.. , if it's against forum rules the moderators are the ones who are designated to respond accordingly..

    However I do care that this has become a divisive issue among a group of people that have much more in common than to disagree over such a trivial issue.

    Time to move on.


  10. #100
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    Not far enough away from Melbourne


    This thread looks like it could go for 3 years and 1435 post too, just like the one it is discussing. The biggest difference being that there is absolutely no point in this one. The other one provided a mechanism for members to share their triumphs. I do not see of the "i ripped someone off" kind of gloat in the other thread. To me it has all been the "Look everyone, I was in the right place at the right time and I was fortunate" kind of gloat.

    As others have said, if you don't like it don't read it and don't post in it. Obviously there is not going to be a consensus here to either change it or leave it the same. If the moderators found it offensive it would have been dealt with in 2011


    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  11. #101
    Join Date
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    Default Let's Move On!

    Let us move on, open a thread called The Sly Drool" and see who that can offend.
    Old iron in the Outback, Kimberley WA.

  12. #102
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    mid north coast NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by RayG View Post
    Hi Michael,

    Good summary, I'd perhaps add, that you could insert another category in the above list, and that is, that a significant number don't really care either way, ( I'm pretty much in that camp, in that I don't care to tell someone else what thread title to use.. , if it's against forum rules the moderators are the ones who are designated to respond accordingly..

    However I do care that this has become a divisive issue among a group of people that have much more in common than to disagree over such a trivial issue.

    Time to move on.

    Ray, I also agree with Michael's summary, which pretty well sums up those against a change. I also agree with you about the significant numbers of those who don't really care either way, But while we are talking of numbers I have gone through the thread (yes read every post!) and made a rough list of those fore and against a change of name and I have to say those fore are in the majority (just!).
    I also agree that it is sad that such a minor matter has become so divisive, in other realms of life divisive matters are dealt with by either an executive decision made by some one higher up or by those higher up organising a secret ballot. Quite a few have said it is time to move on and it is. But if it is just left to hopefully fade away without either one or the other of the these happening I'm fearful that it will continue to bubble long for some time yet.


  13. #103
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    This is post #104 on a useless topic. Funny really.

    I frankly don't care if people use thread titles I don't like. I'll be critical of them if I feel like it or I'll ignore them if I can't be bothered commenting on them. Or both over time depending on my level of boredom.

    What I find really funny is the soi-disant anti-PC types who puff themselves up and get all indignant over my daring to say what I think, then criticising *me* for daring to state my opinion on something when they don't agree with me. Have any of you guys looked up the definition of 'hypocrisy' lately? Logically, if you defend the right of people to post titles that others find offensive, you *cannot* complain when someone else exercises their right to freely comment and *you* find it offensive.

    Well, not unless you can simultaneously hold completely different opinions simultaneously anyway...... leads me to believe that what you really want is people who disagree with you to be silenced. Funny really.

    You won't find a single post from me asking, let alone demanding, that the original 'tool gloat' title be changed. Not one, because I never have. I simply pointed out my objections to the term and how I find it distasteful. If, from that, you leap to the conclusion that I'm somehow asking or demanding that it be changed, well, I'm afraid that you have severe reading and/or cognition issues......

    I will now return to ignoring this thread while watching the post count rise, until next time I'm bored enough to drop by.


  14. #104
    Ueee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PDW View Post
    I will now return to ignoring this thread while watching the post count rise, until next time I'm bored enough to drop by.

    Just like I am now. I see it was a mistake. Next time anyone feels the need to post here how about posting something in the your latest project thread instead? An on that hypocrisy, I'm gone

    1915 17"x50" LeBlond heavy duty Lathe, 24" Queen city shaper, 1970's G Vernier FV.3.TO Universal Mill, 1958 Blohm HFS 6 surface grinder, 1942 Rivett 715 Lathe, 14"x40" Antrac Lathe, Startrite H225 Bandsaw, 1949 Hercus Camelback Drill press, 1947 Holbrook C10 Lathe.

  15. #105
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    As this thread is going around in ever decreasing circles and seems to have arrived back where it started, ie post #1360 and post #1412 in the "offending" thread, I will now bring this to a close.

    I do this in the hope that some harmony can return to the Metalwork Forum, as it pains me to see people who previously discussed all sorts of issues in a reasonable manner get so argumentative with each other over what really is such a trivial matter.

    Some people have asked for an "executive decision", well for what it is worth, here it is:

    1 The "offending" thread title will not be changed. I realise Andre doesn't object to having it changed, but nor has he asked for it to be changed or indeed selected an alternative title.

    2 The thread will remain open, people who so desire can continue to post there, those that object can post in Michael_G's thread "Today's Tool Acquisition" or start a thread of their own.

    3 This thread will be closed to avoid further arguments, finger pointing and, dare I say it, nit picking.

    4 Any further threads or posts on the subject of "gloat" or this whole sorry episode, will be deleted.

    People who agree or disagree with this are welcome to PM me.

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