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Thread: Hi Fi Racks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Hi Fi Racks

    Well after putting up with an Ikea cabinet for a few years I decided it was time for a decent rack.

    The TNT Flexy is meant to be a quick and easy option but somewhere along the way
    my design morphed into something different.

    Designed to sort of resemble a Fraim rack the first step was to cut and shape the beech panels.
    The legs were next and the aluminium rectangular hollow sections were cut to size. Then sanded to a fine finish.
    Then each leg had a piece of wood cut to size and inserted into the leg. Then each piece was drilled.

    Round aluminium solid rods were cut to size and sent off to a friend with a lathe for machining.
    He also drilled the holes in each piece for the threaded rods.

    The shelves were given a quick sand and finished with a coat of polyurethane.
    The front legs were then dowelled and glued in place to each shelf. The rear legs were just slid down the threaded rod.
    Once the glue was dry it was a simple matter of sliding the pieces together.
    The rods were cut to length and a dome nut installed to finish the job.

    It took a while to get done, and the silver finish will not appeal to everyone, but it is a heavy, rock solid
    rack that does not move or wobble a millimetre.
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  2. #2
    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    Nice work MC. Crikey you must have a lot of components!

    I have to make one myself pretty soon and have been mulling over some design ideas. I like the idea of the drop down spacers as they could be changed when a different height component finds its way into the system (all too frequent these days, although not much new lately for me).

    I'm pretty sick of dust on the components so mine will be enclosed and I will add a 5" exhaust fan mounted behind the amp (which will be the uppermost component, except for the turntable - must get a booster for the moving coil cartridge - previous stereo amp had it built in). I had a cabinet built about 20 years ago with a 3" fan in it and it did the job but was a bit intrusive during classical music. These are supposed to be <30db, 'cept I don't have any idea how quiet 30db is .

    The amount of cables these days is problematic too, particularly for enclosing. Reckon I'll have a back with a gap at the bottom for speaker and TV cables to egress and see if I can source some really short cables for going between the components in the rack (bunching them up with cable ties gets a bit bulky with the number of different ones required).
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Dundowran Beach

    Thumbs up

    Nicely done MC!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post
    These are supposed to be <30db,
    You'd be better off getting a few computer cooling fans - there are plenty for low/no noise applications (silent computing is a bit of a thing when you've got a rig that needs four fans to keep it cool).

    30db is about quiet library quiet. If you've got a smartphone, there are rough and ready decibel meter apps.

  5. #5
    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Splinter View Post
    You'd be better off getting a few computer cooling fans - there are plenty for low/no noise applications (silent computing is a bit of a thing when you've got a rig that needs four fans to keep it cool).

    30db is about quiet library quiet. If you've got a smartphone, there are rough and ready decibel meter apps.
    Cheers MS, I'll check that link out. Nah, I've got a Stupid Phone, but funnily enough, even though it's 7 years old it still makes really excellent phone calls.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Albury Well Just Outside


    Great build on making racks for the Hi Fi.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    A phone that makes actually makes phone calls? How novel!

    I thought phones were for facebook and twitter and angry birds and watching videos and listening to that market researched talentless aural pollution the younger generation calls pop music.

    Noctua are one of the better quiet brands (7db suit you?) but they come at a premium price. There are plenty of cheaper ones though. For the PC fans you'll also need to pick up a 12 volt wall wart to run them.

    For reference (playing with one of the sound apps) my PC fan makes 40db, the gas heating duct makes 46 and the cat energetically licking his crotch hit 57! (I'm not sure what that says about the cat or how much he likes licking there).

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