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3rd May 2014, 03:47 AM #1
Advice Sought Regarding Rust Removal From Cast Iron Table
Good morning/evening/night Ladies & Gentlemen
I recently purchased a Woodman (Australian) TS160 which was manufactured in 1996 with the motor receiving a complete rebuild in 2011. It had some surface rust which I removed using WD-40, Scotchbrite pads and some very fine grit sandpaper. Fortunately, I reside in Western Australia which does not experience frequent humidity. There are two questions I would like answered:
a. What is the Australian equivalent of the U.S. Mineral Spirits, and
b. What product do fellow members recommended to seal the table after rust removal? Internet research indicates it should not contain silicone.
Regards and thanks in advance
3rd May 2014, 09:39 AM #2
a. White Spirits, (available from any hardware store).
b. Most use either paste wax or SilverGlide (SilberGleit): http://www.carbatec.com.au/main_page...rd/silverglide
Personally, I use SilverGlide.
c. This isn't really the appropriate place to post this question, but I'm sure it will be re-located to a suitable section.... Steve
-- Monkey see, monkey do --
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3rd May 2014, 09:55 AM #3
Mineral or regular turpentine (not gum turpentine).
White Spirit is chemically the same as Turps but it sounds superior and allows manufacturers to chart more.
b. What product do fellow members recommended to seal the table after rust removal? Internet research indicates it should not contain silicone.
Recently I have been using lanotech grease and turps and that seems to last longer but leaves the surface a little tacky but it doesn't seem to upset operations or wood.
3rd May 2014, 10:14 AM #4
You're right Bob. I was confused by this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_spirit , which obviously needs correcting.
Further reading corrected me.... Steve
-- Monkey see, monkey do --
3rd May 2014, 10:28 AM #5
Somewhere on the Metalwork forum there is a long and swtailed thread on this. Turps and WS are a sort of cocktail of "stuff" with no fixed composition.
MSDS sheets may show different constituents but some of that is due to chemical manufacturers not being fussy (because they don't need to be) about what mixing tanks have in them before the "Turps" was mixed in there.
For International trade purposes there are 4 different types of White Spirit based on the proportion of certain chemicals but for practical WW use purposes they are the same.
3rd May 2014, 10:45 AM #6... Steve
-- Monkey see, monkey do --
3rd May 2014, 11:36 AM #7
Thank you fellow members for your advice and information.
Hermit: No offence intended but as I was seeking advice (Help), I believed my request was best placed in the "Help" Forum.
3rd May 2014, 11:46 AM #8... Steve
-- Monkey see, monkey do --