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Thread: Oregon Resin
27th March 2014, 01:48 PM #1
Oregon Resin
Hey guys,
I am in the process of lacquering some Oregon floating shelves and i am having trouble with resin seeping through the lacquer from resin veins/cracks. Is there a product out there than can prevent this from happening? I will post some photos tonight if that would help.
I am using a 30% satin lacquer.
Any thoughts appreciated and thanks in advance.
27th March 2014, 07:11 PM #2
Here are the pictures of the worst areas.
Oregon 001.jpgOregon 002.jpgOregon 003.jpg
27th March 2014, 07:42 PM #3
In my experience it happens and there is nothing you can do about it
I've found the "turps" smell and bleeding in freshly cut 100 year old house timbersregards
veni, vidi, tornavi
Without wood it's just ...
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28th March 2014, 03:52 PM #4
I ended up digging the veins out a bit more with a chisel and filled with putty. Seems to be working at this stage.