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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Italicized is my emphasis

    Thus there is a century-old error in the present First Law of thermodynamics: Any change of magnitude of an external parameter (such as the field or potential of a system) has been erroneously defined as work. It is not work if the extra energy is input in the same form. In that case it is asymmetric regauging, and involves only energy transfer without change of form, which requires no work. Regauging is free, by the gauge freedom axiom. The present form of the First Law would rule out gauge freedom—a fact which seems not to have been previously noticed.

    I took the liberty of excerpting/quoting/italicizing his reference to the first law of thermodynamics in response to your question / statement.

    Woo hoo - warp factor 9 Mr Zulu.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default And just when you thought it was safe

    And just when you thought it was safe (to ignore the nutcase "free energy" moron - um that'd be me ) - along comes NASA and every other man and his dog, with free energy devices.

    So - why is it again we have to pay Synergy or whoever for electricity?

    Activist Post: Is Free Energy Slowly Being Unveiled?

    So here we have NASA using free energy generators on the space station no less... meanwhile we here on terra firmer remain in debt servitude to the power company's and coal miners etc.

    Just like the industrial revolution - the technological revolution will change mankind and this planet forever more in leaps and bounds of a geometric progressive orders of magnitude.

    Again - remember - you read it here first!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Why is it

    Why is it, that new posts in this section, don't show up in the new posts search?

    Some of my best work and yet no one sees it!

    It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    certainly the funniest thing i've read in a long time.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Eggs ackerley!

    Eggs ackerley...

    Some of my best work...and it doesn't even make it to the new posts summary's etc, for anyone to see it!.

    It's a gubmint coverup I tell ya!

    Dey's trying to silence me and shut me down!.


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Wouldn't you know it!

    Wouldn't you know it.

    JUST when you thought it was safe to swim in the waters of the primordial soup, another physics eating shark shows up!

    The One-Way Speed of Light
    Seems someone was listening to my suggestion that the Mitchellson Morely Light speed experiment (upon which Einsteins special theory of relativity rests) was flawed due to experimental design error, because it returned the light beams upon their own length - thus negating any possible effect of the ether of space upon the speed of light & has devised a one way speed of light test - that seems to support Mitchellson Morely (And thus Einstein) results.

    Back to the drawing board it seems!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Nth Est Victoria, Australia


    surprise, surprise (I'm not) since governments of various stripes have backed away from RAPS and other such funding, the price of solar panels etc. have all of a sudden come way down. Of course I am somewhat cynical. Maybe it's just ebay.

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