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Thread: Finishing baltic pine lining
1st March 2014, 04:53 PM #1
Finishing baltic pine lining
I recently picked up some old Baltic pine floorboards. They are in pretty lousy condition and full of nail holes, cracks etc. I plan on using these as a bit of a feature wall in a woodworking workshop - probably face nailed and glued over plywood after a moderate sanding.
Can anybody suggest a finish to give an natural aged look?
9th March 2014, 05:59 AM #2
If they are in lousy condition why not just use them as is. Put a coat of some kind of matt finish, lacquer maybe.
10th March 2014, 06:37 PM #3
Well, I guess the question was supposed to be what type of matt finishing to use. There are a lot out there and I was hoping somebody had a concrete recommendation for a type/brand that they have used with success. I guess I could ask my local Bunnings guy - he always gives me advice...
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11th March 2014, 07:42 AM #4
Feast Watson have an oil based finish which is for floors. I've used it on baltic floors. Takes a while before it can have heavy traffic but that's not a problem on walls. Usual disclaimers - no shares etc.
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