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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Newcastle NSW

    Default Ebay Sticky, our friend or the devil!?!?

    Hi all,

    So after posting a few items in the Ebay sticky, and finding out I had listed something one of the forum members was trying to keep under his hat (I ended up deleting it after I found out), I am starting to wonder if this sticky is our friend or the devil in disguise?

    The more I think about it, who is it really helping, apart from the seller? When it was initially started, I thought great, now we can make sure we save these machines from the scrap yard, but the more I look at it, the more I feel that all we are doing is driving up the price of items amongst ourselves, and potentially reducing the number of machines we can save.

    I guess it is hard to know when you have seen something, and you are not sure if others have missed it, but then again, I know personally if I am actively looking for an item, especially in eBay then I am probably not going to miss it, especially if it is in my area.

    I guess “buy it now” or Gumtree listings is possibly not such an issue (but again if the Gumtree guy starts getting several phone calls, it can make it hard to negotiate him down to a realistic price, it's natural for him to assume the calls mean he has underpriced his item), but with auctions, it only takes 2 interested parties to really drive the price up, and if they are both forum members, then one is left disappointed and the other is now cash poor trying to budget for the restore, or delayed in being able to purchase the next item.

    I would be interested to know what others are thinking??



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012



    I tend to agree with you, and I've stopped listing the things I see for the reasons that you state.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Melbourne, Australia.


    Cam, I'm with John on this one, I think its a double edge swoard.
    I don't like to put things up just incase someone I know has their eye on it...

    Melbourne Matty.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    This has been covered in the metalwork area.
    Obviously if it's stuff you are interested in you won't be putting it up.
    Some people seem to spend all their time just putting stuff up,must think its shows how clever they are.
    I am tempted but am usually too slack to bother.
    There is however a large early bandsaw currently out there which has a MacPhersons agent for LS Barker in small lettering on it.
    Maybe just the interesting nameplate should be put up.
    No mention of where it's listed.
    There's also a 36 Wadkin very rough and very cheap.
    Perhaps a few pms between us and a split up may slow the prices a bit on cattle dogs anyway.
    It's a hard one the bay has bombed prices on a lot of stuff but you can now find or sell almost anything if you know how to search and/or list the right way.
    Jimcracks for the rich and/or wealthy. (aka GKB '88)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Maybe it should be done off forum and we have an email list…..Then if someone puts their hand up to take first option on it, they can then report back and say they either bought it and thanks for the heads up or give further info they learned and let the group know they have passed on it.

    This keep prying eyes from non forum members finding it because it was posted here also.
    …..Live a Quiet Life & Work with your Hands

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    South Africa


    Is it possible to have the thread protected and only accessible to those who are members and have shown an interest in restoring old machinery?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Glen Innes


    I think its definately the devil because it always shows stuff that is too far away or too expensive for me
    Ps I am guilty of putting Iinks up also
    cheers pat

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