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2nd March 2014, 08:25 PM #76
Thankyou Brett and Lola, another fun day with like minded people. Rain, yes, Mist, yes, cool, yes, but did we let that stop the festivities, NO!
Work is a necessary evil to be avoided. Mark Twain
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crowie liked this post
2nd March 2014, 08:30 PM #77
Thank you Brett and Lola and all the Forum members who attended the GTG.
A wet and foggy drive up the hill, and a wet drive down the hill didn't really dampen a great day. It was terrific having a chat with so many interesting guys and gals, and seeing Brett's set-up. I must admit feeling a bit embarrased to go back into my cluttered shed after seeing such an organised and neat workshop (or is it a shed?).
I have taken away plenty of inspiration (and a jar of honey, thanks Ross) and encourage everyone else to take advantage of attending a GTG of forum members anywhere near you.You will learn heaps, and meet some lovely people.
Thanks everyone,
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crowie liked this post
2nd March 2014, 08:38 PM #78
2nd March 2014, 08:55 PM #79
Well, thanks to all for coming up despite the weather (which wasn't too bad at all really). Some fairly long distance treks were made too by DaveTTC and . Great to see 6 new faces today in aussiepens, Kamusur (who now knows his left from his right
), mattws, Macpuddock, truckiemuzz, Uncle Al, and there are now eight 4 timers: crowie, NCArcher, nz_carver, Pac Man, Pat, Ross, Skew ChiDAMN!! & Gal.
A pity that Ozhunter couldn't make it, but after three days of desperately needed rain on the farm he had sheep that needed feeding.
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Uncle Al liked this post
2nd March 2014, 09:19 PM #80
2nd March 2014, 09:29 PM #81
That was just the new faces and the 4x timers. The complete list is:
aussiepens chambezio crowie DaveTTC fletty Greg Ward & Lyn groeneaj heavansabove MacPuddock markkr mattws @ dodo.com NCArcher nz_carver Ochaye Pac Man Pat Ross Sawdust Maker Skew ChiDAMN!! Skew's_Girl Truckiemuzz Uncle Al shanesmith80 kamusur NON-FORUM: Laurel Peter Selina Marilyn Jeanie Sam Franklin Raffaella Grace
2nd March 2014, 09:33 PM #82
2nd March 2014, 09:41 PM #83
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FenceFurniture liked this post
2nd March 2014, 10:02 PM #84
Just got home from the GTG. Was a very damp and misty drive up the Putty Rd tonight. Took me an hour to get to Mt Riverview where I picked up the girls before heading home. My girls that is. Wife and daughter not some random girls like last time when I had PacMan and Pat with ...................never mind that. Anyway, I had a great day as well. Thanks to Brett and Lola and everyone else who braved the weather. Looking forward to the next one.
Sorry Christos, I didn't take any photos either. Too busy yakkin'
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FenceFurniture liked this post
2nd March 2014, 10:08 PM #85
3rd March 2014, 08:18 AM #86
… and another thank you to Brett and Lola. It was a great day in typical Katoomba weather.
Brett, i smuggled in 7 grams of sawdust and secreted it in your shed! Yours is probably the only working space where the 7 grams would stand out!
I must get the recipe for "beef something" … it was delicious!
flettya rock is an obsolete tool ......... until you don’t have a hammer!
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3rd March 2014, 08:36 AM #87
Sounds like all had a great time and weather was as expected.
Had a great 8hrs looking after our grandsons
3rd March 2014, 08:37 AM #88
3rd March 2014, 08:41 AM #89
3rd March 2014, 08:54 AM #90
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