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Thread: QLD Road Rules Question
1st March 2014, 07:41 AM #1
QLD Road Rules Question
Hei Guys,
In WA it is legal to contravene (as in go through it) a red light for the purpose of letting an emergency vehicle through.
Can anyone tell me if it's the same in Queensland, I assume so but want to be sure.
1st March 2014, 08:15 AM #2
Wouldn't bet on it, but commonsense says it ought to be the case.
1st March 2014, 09:31 AM #3
Couldn't imagine coppers pulling you over for it if you have a fire truck blearing behind you
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1st March 2014, 09:41 AM #4
1st March 2014, 09:55 AM #5
as far as I know, this one is part of the national uniform road rules
see http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Safety/Dri...-vehicles.aspxIf an emergency vehicle is coming towards you and is sounding an alarm or showing flashing red or blue lights, you must move out of the path of the emergency vehicle as soon as you can do so safely.
the key word is "safely"
crossing a stop line can be done safely -- driving all the way through the intersection ??regards from Alberta, Canada
1st March 2014, 12:11 PM #6
Way back when I was one of 3 people qualified to evaluate red light camera film in WA we used to deal with this all the time.
The rule we worked to was that if the person concerned went through the light and took off we infringed, if they simply cleared the intersection going as little distance as possible to clear traffic and let the emergency vehilcle through, then no infringement.
The reason I ask this today is that on Thursday on King St Caboolture I saw a Landcruiser block an ambulance cos he was front spot at a pedestrian crossing, the pedestrians had already crossed and were well clear yet the cruiser steadfastly refused to go through the light to let the ambulance through - in the end an artic in the left lane cleared the light to let the ambo's through.
1st March 2014, 12:40 PM #7
Landcruisers must be the new Volvos....what a fool...
1st March 2014, 01:43 PM #8
A friend of mine years ago had a cousin who was a volunteer fire fighter.
One day the cousin was on his way home from work, saw the regulars (fire brigade) on their way to a job and followed them to see if he could help out - he followed them to his house.
Aside from the fact that it's law, you get the hell out the way for first responders - it may not be your mother or brother they're rushing to help but it's someone's mother or brother.
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