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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Coffs Harbour

    Default Woodworkers of yesteryear

    I was asked recently 'who am I student of' regarding woodworking. Now dont start thinking im in the trade at all im actually in IT but have a passion fir wood.

    So before I answered he rattled off a few names of people I presume were famous boat builders (thats what we were talking about at the time) to which I replied " uh I love paul sellers work and follow him but cant say im a student of him or anyone"

    It got me thinking though of who people use as influence in terms of design or working methodology. I really like paul sellers simple approach to his projects and how he teaches. Does anyone have people thry follow or idolise that are from the past or currently alive.

    Would love to hear what people say so I can look for more inspiration. Or buy yet another book to add my collection of classic woodworking texts

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albury Well Just Outside


    It is an interesting question.

    I can answer this in two ways I am a student from the teachers at the high school I attended, thus would be the closet thing to actually being a student. The second way of answering is a more recent rekindling of the woodcraft and that is from watching a Do It Yourself show that had David J Marks as the host and building of furniture.

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