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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Adelaide Australia

    Default Dawn no. 9 woodvice repair

    hi guys.
    I recently purchased a dawn no.9 quick release wood vice.
    when I bought it it slipped when trying to tighten completely.

    so I pulled it all apart. and got noticed that the brass half nut that the main screw threads through was cactus. so I got onto the guys at total tools Lonsdale and they ordered me in a new half nut.

    they do a monthly order to dawn so my item got placed in with their order so I didn't have to pa for delivery which would have been $15. so I was pretty happy about that. I got the new half nut yesterday. the new one Is steel not brass. so I am hoping it will be alot stronger than the old one.

    when i tried to put the new half nut in, it was too big so i had to file quite a bit off of one end to get it to go into the spot where it goes. once it was finally in after about 45 minutes of filing. i gave everything a good clean with a wire brush and a scotchbrite pad and put the whole vice back together.
    gave it all a good soak with inox. sat the vice inbetween 2 saw stools and gave it a go. worked brilliantly. im so happy with how it came out.

    the new half nut cost me $45, i bought the vice off of a guy on gumtree for $50 but he also gave me another dawn no.9 wood vice withouth quick release and the body from another no.9 non quick release vice but this one has no main screw and handle.

    all up im very happy with my quality dawn vices and the fact that i have basically a new vice that cost me $95 and will hopefully work great for another 50 years.

    if anyone wants to order a half nut from dawn for a no.9 quick release vice. the part no. is 65260. i couldnt find it on the dawn website when i looked but the guys from total tools called dawn and they knew what it was straight away.

    cheers guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Nice one mate! Welcome to the forum.

    I'm thinking I would like some more vices in the workshop now! They are like clamps, you can never have enough of them!

    The brass half nuts have their advantages. They were used in the past as they were softer and would wear, protecting the Lead screw. They would also ware quickly so a replacement would mate nicely with a slightly worn thread.
    All the vices I have seen now days have steel.
    The trick with steel on steel is keeping them grit free and well lubed. Graphite powder works a treat. It builds up over time, keeps everything running smoothly and does not attract grit buildup. Normal pencils have a clay abrasive in them. I used them for years without any problems but it's good to remember. The graphite powder is cheap and easy enough to get anyway.
    Hope you guys are getting a cool change soon!
    It feels like we skipped the summer up here. Only a few nasty days. I don't mind really, I'm too busy for the beach these days!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    McBride BC Canada


    Show me the total included bevel angle. Did I miss something sharp?
    We had monkeys with brass nuts (whole or half) but they all cracked in the last
    spell of -35C nights.
    That's OK, they all got jobs, singing in the Geneva Boys Choir.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    No mention of any sharpening but I'm guessing it's going to be used to clamp something to be sharpened!

    Good post though! We live in an age where everything is tossed out over trying to fix something! The Dawn vices are worth repairing. They were solidly built!

    Someone else will read this thread someday and get some use from it!

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