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9th February 2014, 04:40 PM #1
Thoughts on a possible staggered stud frame
I can't bump an old thread so here is a new one'
I have often used old pallet timbers to make benches from and have most usually used the soft cheap timbers nailed into a "T" section for the posts
When I was doing the repairs to our bedroom wall and added the 90*35 on face as a nailing place for the braceboard I got to thinking.
If the only purpose of noggins is to stiffen the frame and they aren't really needed when doing braced panels why not use 90*35 "Ts" at 600 centers on opposite sides on a 150mm or wider top/bottom plate?
Couple of questions come to mind such as how you join the corners etc
Mainly thinking of the opportunities for increasing passive insulation and noise reduction
Lousy drawing but it gives you all my idea
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