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Thread: We're So Advanced
23rd January 2014, 05:16 AM #1
We're So Advanced
Chris Schwarz' Lost Art Press blog got a discussion going on a stick.
The Dawn of the
One of the comments pointed to a book by Albrecht Durer **1525** ... available and downloadable online.
SLUB Dresden: Werkansicht: Underweysung der Messung, mit dem Zirckel und Richtscheyt, in Linien, Ebenen unnd gantzen corporen
"There is a book written by Dürer himself which explains the usage of this stick: “Underweysung der messung mit dem zirckel un richtscheyt” published in Nürnberg 1525."
The illustrations are amazing and it "reads" (views) like an advanced maths (geometry) text.
It certainly reminds me of the threads on the spiral staircase and the spiral table.
Plus typography. Plus symmetry and tesselation. And folded 3D-figures.
I shouldn't be surprised I guess ... Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519. But still.
23rd January 2014, 07:52 AM #2
Yes truly amazing!!
Ist ein pity mine German ist nicht up to der skratch!!!
Archimedes, Pythagoras and the Chinese were also pretty good
with basic tools, as were the Egyptians, when it came to geometry.
Actually I have long boasted that with a straight edge, a pencil,
a pair of compasses or dividers, and a couple of triangles I can
draw any plain geometrical shape.Mind you there might be
some head scratching involved but I think I would get there. I
say this in all modesty!!
23rd January 2014, 06:45 PM #3Actually I have long boasted that with a straight edge, a pencil,
a pair of compasses or dividers, and a couple of triangles I can
draw any plain geometrical shape.
I can see the value of the Durer stick. Might have to make one to hang on the wall.
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