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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    brookvale sydney nsw

    Question Bought CNC from China - Yes, you have the right to kick me while I'm down!

    Hi All,
    I have a signage company in Brookvale NSW - Stewart Brown Signs and have just bought a CNC direct from China, which I'm struggling to get going ( Surprise ..Surprise! )
    It's an OMNI 1325 with Mach 3 software. Does anyone know of a company ( hopefully close to us ) whom we can pay to get specific technical assistance?
    The think the person or company needs to have good knowledge with Mach 3, plus ideally some knowledge about OMNI cnc's ( a big ask..I know )
    Thanks very much
    0408 691 448

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Oxley, Brisbane


    Hi stewart and welcome to the forum

    That looks like a pretty good CNC machine to me.

    Most Chinese stuff isn't that bad. Their main area for falling down seems to be on the electronics side of things.

    There will be many people on this forum who will have the expertise to help you. Most are not professionals, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    Are you sure that you have a fully licensed version of Mach3, because if you haven't, then you will only be able to cut about 500 lines of code. Most of the Chinese versions of Mach3 are stolen.

    Good luck, I think you may be on a winner there.
    Bob Willson
    The term 'grammar nazi' was invented to make people, who don't know their grammar, feel OK about being uneducated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Maryborough, QLD


    Hi Stewart,
    Jinan CNC are generally well made and should give you good service. Most issues I have read over on the zone are regarding the finishing off. All Chinese CNC's suffer this problem. Before you fire it up it will be wise to go over every nut and bolt and check for tightness, missing spring washers and such. Once you're happy with the mechanical stuff I'd recommend checking all the electrical connectors and terminals. Pay particular attention to earthing on the mains side. Chinese are notorious for leaving out earth connections. If you're not up to the electrical side it would pay to have an electrician check it over and get his blessing before firing it up.

    As far as Mach 3 goes, there are lots of tutorials on the site. If you are new to Mach 3, the first thing you need to do is setup the stepping parameters to match the machine. Jinan should have or can provide this. Once you can get it moving around, the rest is just practise.

    Getting someone to step you through it may not be so easy but someone else may know somebody in your area.


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