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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    High Country, Victoria

    Default Mansfield Men's Shed

    Mansfield (Community)Men's Shed is open from 10am to about 3pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday and has a well equipped workshop(both wood and metal) and welcomes new members. If you live in the great north east and want something to do, feel free to drop in and have a cuppa with the boys. The brains trust are always there to give free advice and have a chat.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Bendigo Victoria


    Ah, Mansfield my favourite gateway to the High Country. Have spent many a pleasant week camping around Jamieson etc and always spend time in Mansfield.

    In fact we were in the Mansfield Caravan Park in August taking the granddaughters skiing Mt Buller.

    Must try and drop in on our next trip, maybe whilst SWMBO does the opshop thing.

    Whereabouts are you located?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    High Country, Victoria


    G'day mate,

    We've got a shed just off the main street - High St. If you shove your missus into the supermarket(IGA) you can wander over the road where you will find a laneway, I think it's Bank Lane, just next to Mansfield Leading Eelectrical and I think the NAB. We are about 100yards down on the left with a big sign on the tin shed. Billy is always on anytime between the very flexible hours of ten and three Mon, Wed and Friday. BBQ at 1pm on Fridays.

    As we are associated closely with the TAFE college and got the premises with Mansfield Council help and community funding etc we have the girls using a room for quilting, as well as the local Yooralla kids coming down and doing practical stuff for therapy etc once a week or so. And we are associated with the Australian Men's Shed Associatiton.

    I've read a few posts about over 55s etc, but as far as I know the AMSA has no age barriers, and we certainly don't. We are still evolving, and learning every day.


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