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Thread: First timmer with a large slab.
7th January 2014, 01:00 PM #1
First timmer with a large slab.
I bought a slab to turn into a table. So far I have picked out all the old putty and silicon. I have also belt sanded with course (36) sandpaper.
The picture are the inital results. I intend to keep sanding and work my way to finer grade sandpapers
Now it gets tricky.
The wood is soft in some of the deeper holes. How concerned should I be about that?
I want to fill the holes with an epoxy resin. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
table 026.JPGtable 027.JPGtable 028.JPGtable 029.JPG
8th January 2014, 09:21 AM #2
My way of thinking would be to use epoxy. I might tint it depending on the wood. I would not want the surface to be soft so all that would have to be taken care of.
Something to also consider would be that epoxy is harder than wood and sanding via electronic means could result in difference valley and hills.
When applying epoxy make sense the hole that you are filling does not go through the other side. cover with blue tape or good old masking tape.
8th January 2014, 01:02 PM #3
Thanks Christos
I have started to collect the sawdust from all the sanding and intend to use that as a filler when it comes to filling the cracks on the side with epoxy.
Also when filling to side cracks I was going to wrap the working area in glad wrap and inject the epoxy, through holes in the glad wrap, with a very bore needle and syringe. I figure that wrapping the entire area in glad wrap (lots of it no doubt) will both contain and shape epoxy consistalty with the free form edges of the slab.
8th January 2014, 02:15 PM #4
I will answer your question on this thread.