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Thread: A bit of rework

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default A bit of rework

    I made this mango coffee table a while back
    When it came to finishing it I had the RAS onto it during the finer grits, at the time I didn't notice that I had developed a bit of a low spot in some of the softer areas, (early stages of rot) one of those cases when a machine doesn't have the touch when done by hand so when I put the finish on there it was so I put it to one side and did other things, like usual need the space so I set about fixing it with an inlay.
    First up take all the finish off, next plan an inlay, I have some mango fork veneers that I had previously cut so that will be the inlay, next shape of inlay, the two slabs are joined by an internal and external curve of 600mm so I shaped the fork to this same radius on 3 sides
    inlay to go in.jpggrannies tooth.jpginlay fitted.jpg

    First pic is the inlay piece, second pic I routed out the recess but wasnt completely happy with the depth and finish left by the router so I fished out Dad's old Grannies tooth and was able to achieve a depth of recess very close to the thickness of the inlay, (just didn't want to do a heap of sanding) and third pic inlay glued in place, at this time the recess is bigger than the inlay, there is a gap on both long sides, I did this so I could concentrate on fitting the short radius to meet the existing blackwood strip.
    I then routed a 3mm wide groove along the edge of the inlay on both sides and fitted more blackwood stringing.

    The next pics are of it with the finish on, just some satin polyu wiped on then finished further by sanding and rubbing with 0000 steel wooll.
    with blackwood stringing.jpgoverall view.jpgoverall view from other end.jpgside view.jpg
    I think it has come up well even if I do say myself


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albury Well Just Outside


    Very well done.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Gladstone, QLD


    Excellent job.

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