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31st October 2013, 10:24 PM #76
31st October 2013, 10:31 PM #77
I think you should come. I need to sort out my Christmas shopping list
Those were the droids I was looking for.
1st November 2013, 02:08 PM #78
It's tomorrow already? Where does time go?
We'll be there...
- Andy Mc
1st November 2013, 04:49 PM #79
Not quite Skew, but you should come over on Saturday anyway. No particular reason ( labour..cough)
Those were the droids I was looking for.
1st November 2013, 07:08 PM #80
I was a little sheepish about posting this so I did run it past Brett first and he was comfortable with it. As he mentioned in a previous post there will be items for sale and I have a few that can be seen in the pic below. Some items are brand new, some have been only very lightly used and the augers are positively old .
I didn't think it was appropriate to go into too much detail which could be seen as turning the thread into a bargain basement affair and also risk incurring the wrath of the moderators. Everything will be priced on the day and anybody is welcome to send me a PM if they are particularly interested in anything. That assumes your eyes are good enough to pick out the goodies.
BM GTG 001.jpg
Also I have cut some timber and will have pen blanks, knife scales and knife blocks (for knife handles) available for sale.
BM GTG 004.jpg
They won't be the horrible jumble you see above, but grouped in small lots at spare change prices. Any money from the sale of timber parts will go to a local (to the Blue Mountains) Bush Fire Brigade as I think anybody who has followed this thread will be aware of the huge task it is to combat a fire raging out of control. Dave and others do a magnificent job and it seems fitting to help a little.
We will be setting off tomorrow morning around 0700 and won't be easily contactable from then onwards so any enquiries will need to be made before then. I will have a last squiz just before I leave.
Looking forward to meeting up again with old friends and maybe some new faces too .
Until then:
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 2 Likes, 0 , 0wheelinround, crowie liked this post
1st November 2013, 07:52 PM #81
Unfortunately I won't be able to come to this one. Hope the day goes well.
If you find you have dug yourself a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
I just finished child-proofing our house - but they still get inside.
1st November 2013, 08:46 PM #82
1st November 2013, 10:43 PM #83
Spose I'd better buy a bit of wood - especially if it's for the fireys
veni, vidi, tornavi
Without wood it's just ...
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 2 Likes, 0 , 0Pat, Bushmiller liked this post
3rd November 2013, 08:47 AM #84
Perfect weather today.
3rd November 2013, 09:45 AM #85
Have a good day gents.
To much doing here to attend
3rd November 2013, 09:47 AM #86
3rd November 2013, 09:51 AM #87
Some of those blanks may do the trick
The Turning Cowboy
3rd November 2013, 10:02 AM #88
3rd November 2013, 05:03 PM #89
Great day. Worth the 1200 km round trip. I did not take any picks but hopefully others did
The Turning Cowboy
3rd November 2013, 05:10 PM #90
Thank you brett & lola for another top gathering
Your hospitality was, again, superb especially the dessert and the chocolates...
I enjoyed the day this time being able to sit a talk/get to know a few of the forum blokes as well as catch up with some old mates...
The shop bought lunch was good and thank you Brett & Lola for the rice....
Special mention to the "sparky" on the spot who got the electrics back working again...
We needed the light to see Brett's new shed floor but this time some of us actually saw "sawdust" on it; BUT it was quickly swept away...
This time, there was a good number of ladies [good lookin Sheila's as Lola & I]...
The buy & sell table seemed to be a good trade; as did Paul's {bushmillers] pen blanks, with those processes going to the RFS.
I hope enjoy one got home safely after such an enjoyable day; Total Fire Ban included..
Cheers, crowie
PS - There was even "honey" for sale thanks to, I think, Chris....
PSS - To Skew, I hope your good lady is better...We missed her....
PSSS - Sorry I didn't do a head count, but at times there seemed to be a whole heap of people standing & sitting all enjoying a good chat...
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 2 Likes, 0 , 0wheelinround, DaveTTC liked this post
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