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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Timless Timber View Post
    Whilst I applaud your rubbish bin sentiment Bob, the photo in that PDF doc refutes your premise sadly!
    I'd link it in here but being PDF I can't seem to get it across to the forums architecture with IMG tags to demonstrate my point.
    Check the pic in the link for details.
    You mean this one? -
    if so, for a start read the red on grey text towards the bottom left of the text box carefully and match that to the image.
    The image is of what they call an "a perfect letter box" and while it meets regs it does not specify the regs.
    The minimum height of the slot above the base of the box is not 160, its 130mm(see below) - the 160 mm refers to the minimum height of the box.

    If I'm expected to chase your links than it's only polite for you to chase mine, but to save you the trouble here they are.
    These are the official regs on boxes from the official Aust Post terms and conditions page.
    There are no diagrams just the regs.
    Note how they differ from the picture above because the picture is of an ideal letter box and does not specify the regs.

    Maybe we need a forum on utility supply connections?
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  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Default Re: If I told you so.

    So you claim that negligence under a contract of marine insurance is the same as somebody injuring himself when in the act of stuffing junk mail in a letterbox.

    Somehow that's the same as saying that pigs can fly.


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    se Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by DavidG View Post
    Go to your sheds and do something useful.
    Such as making a letterbox and a "No Junk Mail" Sign perhaps?

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default No

    Not at all

    negligence under a contract of marine insurance is the same as somebody injuring himself when in the act of stuffing junk mail in a letterbox.
    What it shows is the lengths & costs that an insurer (potentially your home insurance and public liability provider) will go too, (All the way to the high court), and the loopholes they will employ - in order to get OUT of their obligation to cover you - when it all goes pear shaped - while someone is stuffing your letter box with junk mail uninvited - and injures themselves and decides to make a work cover claim.

    Their insurer will cover them - then their insurer will come after your insurer - who will then find out you supplied a non complaint letterbox (i.e. were negligent and at fault) and drop you right in it - all on your own!. If necessary they will go all the way to the high court to avoid paying the liability they covered - because YOU made a mistake in not providing a compliant letter box.

    The Marine operator was insured for 3rd party public liability thru his marine (boat)insurance policy.
    His parra sail passenger, was permanently inured / impaired, in the Swam River 20 miles upstream from the harbor / river mouth, and sued his public liability cover insurer for costs/liability.
    The mariners insurer declined liability, using an ancient loophole in the maritime law called "peril of the sea" - where when you consign freight by sea & insure the cargo - you accept certain inevitability on the oceans with pirates and such - and not all costs are recoverable.

    Trouble is this accident was in the river not the sea.... BUT the insurer went to the high court & managed to convince 3 of the 5 judges that because that section of the river in summer can be subject to brackish water and some minor tidal influence that the river is really the sea and that as a result they weren't liable for the cover they collected the premiums on to provide.

    3 of the 5 high court judges agreed... so the Insurer wasn't liable - thus the injured woman's lawyers sued the marine operator and he lost his house.

    In the above simile, just substitute "Marine Operator" for "yourself the house owner with the dodgy letterbox".

    Substitute your household insurer (and their public liability underwriter) for the Insurer in the above high court appeal case above.

    If you think you can get away with a crook letter box forever and not come off second best when it all goes pear shaped & someone sues you - good luck with it!.

    Homeowner sued after woman delivering junk mail claims she injured her hand in letterbox | Mail Online

    Homeowner sued after woman delivering junk mail claims she injured her hand in letterbox

    Woman Loses Finger Delivering Junk-mail
    And so it goes...

    It's all fine until someone loses an eye!

    The only losers in this game is the homeowner... whereas a simple Australia Post ONLY sticker might give you an out - while a no Junk mail sticker isn't worth the paper its printed on.

    People seem to be missing the whole point - a simple Australia Post ONLY sticker is the answer - the whole "No Junk Mail" sticker is an urban myth that does NOTHING bar make you as the home owner angry when your letter box is always full of junk mail!

    Really how hard is it to get this from all that's been posted thus far?

    Now I have to go (I'm off to whack Bobs letter box off the fence with a big stick).

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Fe fi fo fum, I smell the poo of the male moo!

    Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Not far enough away from Melbourne


    If you mount your letterbox on top of a hollow metal cylinder would it be a tube or a pipe?


    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Back on topic

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Looking at the picture of the perfect letterbox the dimensions do not look right. It is a bit difficult to be exact from the photo but the front looks more square that it should be if it were to the dimensions indicated on the picture. Also compare the width to the depth, it just does not look right. It looks big enough for a standard business letter but not an A4 envelope.

    I also did a quick search on the nameless hardware stores website and most of the letterboxes I looked at failed to meet the requirement of an opening large enough to take an A4 envelope. Even the ones that look like they are big enough fall just a bit short. I was looking for such a letterbox recently as we were sick of recieving photos folded in half, but could not find a suitably size letterbox available for purchase (at a reasonable price).

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Caversham WA


    They can't sue me. They didn't complete the compulsory site induction before entering my property to shove their unsolicited junk mail into my slot.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    se Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by michaellxv View Post
    Looking at the picture of the perfect letterbox the dimensions do not look right. It is a bit difficult to be exact from the photo but the front looks more square that it should be if it were to the dimensions indicated on the picture. Also compare the width to the depth, it just does not look right. It looks big enough for a standard business letter but not an A4 envelope.

    I also did a quick search on the nameless hardware stores website and most of the letterboxes I looked at failed to meet the requirement of an opening large enough to take an A4 envelope. Even the ones that look like they are big enough fall just a bit short. I was looking for such a letterbox recently as we were sick of recieving photos folded in half, but could not find a suitably size letterbox available for purchase (at a reasonable price).
    I was recently asked to install a new letter box for a client as the one on their fence was insecure. Looking at a big hardware store I found a box that I felt fitted the character of the house, unfortunately it may not have been big enough for DL envelopes and magazines may not have fitted in the slot. While the client also liked that particular box, I ended up installing a larger one for its security.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Port Huon


    I think I win, I don't have a letter box at all as there's no local mail delivery.

    To get my mail, I have to go down to the Port Huon Trading Post to collect it. On the counter is a pile of the usual junk mail and you can take any you like the look of (hardware catalogues are NOT junk mail!)
    As I pay all my bills online, I rarely get mail other than the occasional eBay purchase. I still go down to the trading post most days as they make a nice coffee and an all day breakfast

  12. #42
    Join Date
    May 1999


    Quote Originally Posted by snowyskiesau View Post
    I think I win, I don't have a letter box at all as there's no local mail delivery.

    To get my mail, I have to go down to the Port Huon Trading Post to collect it. On the counter is a pile of the usual junk mail and you can take any you like the look of (hardware catalogues are NOT junk mail!)
    As I pay all my bills online, I rarely get mail other than the occasional eBay purchase. I still go down to the trading post most days as they make a nice coffee and an all day breakfast
    Don't have one here either. No deliveries. Collect our mail at the post Office.

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