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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United States

    Default Bugs eating my wood while it's seasoning


    I am not an experienced woodworker by any means, but want to start a small business selling Juniper buttons and wood discs for crafts. I have been cutting wooden discs about 1/4" thick and varying diameters. I want to sell them with the bark on. I have found that cutting wood that is between completely seasoned and green to work out the best. The dead branches I was cutting were eaten up by bugs, and the green branch discs would crack after I cut them from drying out. So I have been cutting discs out of branches in which the greenery has started to yellow, then I let them season in my basement to make sure they don't crack and that the bark stays on. The problem I am having is that, after I cut the discs and they are seasoning, I will go back and look at them later and some are getting eaten by bugs. The bugs are ugly little worms that are between the wood and the bark, eating the sap, I think. What can I do to get rid of these things so they don't eat my wood? Do I bake the wood? Freeze it? I don't want to do anything that will warp or crack the discs, but I need to find something that kills these bugs. Thanks for any help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Try microwaving a few pieces in a paper bag. Only 20 secs or so to begin with, then let cool and zap again until dry.

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