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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Adelaide, South Awstraylia.

    Default New Yankee Workshop vids grouped on Youyube

    Came across this channel whilst surfing Youtube, and if anyone is interested, NYW is still selling plans for the stuff in the videos. I ordered a set of plans for his huge Drop saw and Crosscut saw bench with storage underneath. I was going to design and build one and then I see all the hard work of designing it has been done for me

    The New Yankee Workshop - YouTube

    Uhhm, mods, is it allowed to name drop businesses? it's not my intention to promote, just to let forumites know of a resource. Please delete and send me a soggy bus ticket in the mail and I will carry out the time honored act of flagellation, if I have indeed been a miscreant.
    Last edited by RicB; 19th August 2013 at 02:05 PM. Reason: Grammar
    Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    A great resource, I only discovered it myself about a year ago. The official NYW website posts a free video each week, there are ways of saving them for viewing in a more convenient manner, but I won't say any more here. It appears most of their stuff on YouTube are unauthorised uploads so they may or may not last. You can also buy individual episodes on DVD or the entire set (21 seasons spanning 20 years!) but it's not cheap.

    And remember this: there is no more important safety rule than to wear glasses <taps head>.

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