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  1. #61
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Blue Mountains


    There is no doubt that the show was smaller this year then previous years. But that is the state of retail in Australia anyway, all sectors are suffering. It is easier to sit at a computor and order stuff on line than do the leg work. Several vendors I spoke to mentioned the phenomonen.

    Given that the revenue from the sales at the show pay for the exhibits it behooves those who want to see it continue to support it by attendance and spending a bit of money. It going to get difficult for it to survive without such support.
    "We must never become callous. When we experience the conflicts ever more deeply we are living in truth. The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil." - Albert Schweizer

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  2. #62
    Join Date
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    Albury Well Just Outside


    I originally started this thread as a question prior to the show. I guess with everything it morphs into something a little different. So I shall continue with this metamorphosis and add my comment to what I thought of the show.

    Some would have been aware that I volunteered to help with the setup of the Billinudgel Wood Works Stand on Wednesday 24th. Also as part of my volunteering I spent an hour each day covering Azo while he played music with Big Stan. The other hat that I wore during the wood show was to help out at the Forum stand.

    Please do not misunderstand I am not promoting myself, there have been many others that also volunteered to help out at the show. Some volunteers gave an hour of their time and others have put in full days extending longer than the opening hours of the show. With out these volunteers the show might not exist.

    But the volunteering does not stop there it started before and continues after the wood shows with the various clubs, the associations and the help that one person gives to another.

    So I want to thank everyone that gives up their time as it may seem to go unnoticed. It is not unnoticed.

    Thank you

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Coffs Harbour


    I thought i would ask this question in here instead of starting a new thread as i figured everyone posting in this thread went to the SWWS

    Can anyone help me identifying or pointing me to a contact or website of the guys that were selling all the 2nd hand tools in the middle of the pavilion? I found some really good stuff in there and would love to purchase more from them. Does anyone know more about them? Any help much appreciated!

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albury Well Just Outside


    You might want to take a look at this show guide.

    Timber & Working With Wood | Sydney

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Camden, NSW


    Hi delbs,

    I think you will find they are The Traditional Tool Group (TTTG). In addition to co-ordinating tool sales they also run excellent meetings and workshops including the saw sharpening one that I attended. The TTTG website will give you more info.

    a rock is an obsolete tool ......... until you don’t have a hammer!

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Coffs Harbour


    Thanks for the pointers Fletty and Christos exactly what i was after. Thanks guys!

  7. #67
    crowie's Avatar
    crowie is offline Life's Good, Enjoy each new day & try to encourage
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    G'Day "delbs",
    Do you mean the blokes with the tables stiffed full of all sorts of secondhand tools, a little way down, just in the front door on the left.
    They were there last year too and I bought a few beaut tools, but "cash only".
    I just on the weekend through out my floor plan with the exhibitors but they weren't TTTG as they were down the back.
    You may have to contact the organizer for contact details.
    Cheers, crowie

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Coffs Harbour


    Yes that's the group. I am kicking myself for not buying more so I thought I'd check if they had anything online that could buy from but no luck. All good ill just keep prowling fleabay

  9. #69
    crowie's Avatar
    crowie is offline Life's Good, Enjoy each new day & try to encourage
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    Faulconbridge, Lower Blue Mountains


    Quote Originally Posted by delbs View Post
    Yes that's the group. I am kicking myself for not buying more so I thought I'd check if they had anything online that could buy from but no luck. All good ill just keep prowling fleabay
    G'Day Nathan,
    I've been in contact with Liz, on of the organizers of the show and she has sent me the details of the tool bloke...
    "PM" coming,
    Cheers, crowie

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