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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Someone to saw river gum slabs - Brisbane

    Hi all
    I need someone, preferably near Chelmer in Brisbane to resaw wet slabs of river blue gum. The slabs are 150 approx. by 2300 by about 600 with bark. I would appreciate a recomendation for someone who could resaw these massive slabs down to more useable dimensions please.

    One of my neighbours had a river gum die. They got approval to fell it so I said I would like some of the timber and to please let me know when it would be felled. So, Wednesday mornng I had a call just as I was heading out to say the tree was being felled! No time to organise anything. I hotfooted it over there and paid the tree feller to saw me a 2400 length into 50 to 75 mm slabs. Then I headed out. When I got home I went to look and end seal. Lo and behold they had short changed me and sawn a slightly shorter length into such thick slabs that theybare difficult to move. Now I need someone to resaw. Please advise if you can.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nerang Queensland


    Do you want them re-sawn into thinner slabs, as you originally wanted, or into planks?

    Thinner slabs wont be easy, it will move around and need good fixings, planks or boards 50mm thick would be easy for a Lucas or even a decent electric hand saw (with good blade and guide) - ie you will end up with 150x50 boards from the 150 thick slab.
    Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Thanks for your comments. I had hoped to get at least a couple of wider slabs - about 50 thick - out of them but as my acquisition of the timber was really just to save it from being chipped and wasted I guess I will have to accept whatever I can get at this point. I have a 9.25 inch electric saw and my bench saw will cut 100 mm deep but the slabs are too heavy to handle onto a bench and/or turn over to cut from both sides. I was hoping someone on the forum might do this, or get a woodies rate for it rather than full commercial but I know there was a commercial oprator at Mooloola with a big horizontal bandsaw so if there is no one closer perhaps I will have to see if I can get them to him if if he is still doing it. Otherwise one of the recyclers like The Big Red Shed may be prepared to help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Horizontal Bandsaw

    You could try Trevor ("TGCreations" on the Forum). He has a horizontal bandsaw on a trailer for slabbing timber.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Thanks to all for your responses. As it turns out the E. teretecornis slab split through the middle of the tree, i.e. widest slab split from both ends, to about 400 mm in, despite end sealing. That made it easier to choose what to do. I found a local place, Darra Joinery (no financial connections, unfortunately) that can saw up to 400 wide. They are ripping the biggest slab down the middle and then re-sawing the slab to about 50mm boards. The narrower sections will be re-sawn about 400 wide and 55 thick with some smaller boards to come from the edge slabs. The timber is clearly very susceptible to end grain cracks so I'll reseal all the ends before I sticker it under cover. I'll just have to wait a few years for it to dry before I see what I do with whatever survives without cracks. At least some of that beautiful tree will be saved and used, instead of chipped. Looks like I'll have to buy a moisture meter some day.

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