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Thread: Walmart people
8th July 2013, 11:43 AM #1
Walmart people
SWMBO is sensitive to petrol, diesel fumes etc so I'm the one that fills up the vehicles.
At 7am this morning SWMBO anounces she is going horse riding, again, and she needs fuel in her car.
So I put on some shorts and a T-shirt and a pair of thongs, but seeing as it is 1.7ºC (I just heard that on the radio) I put on my scungy wind cheater with the melted holes in the sleeve, and change the thongs for a pair of manky ugg boots.
On my way out the door I stop by the bedroom, where she is sitting up in bed with a up of tea reading a book, and say, "do you think I might look a bit like one of those Walmart people"
She peers peers over her reading glasses and after a one second pause says.
"you always look like one of those Walmart people dear"
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RETIRED, lesmeyer, Bushmiller, Grumpy John, N/A, wheelinround, fenderbelly, artme, robbo37, pmcgee, michael_m liked this post
8th July 2013, 11:01 PM #2
Did your wife mean that you look like one of the Walmart shoppers, or one of the staff?
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Grumpy John liked this post
9th July 2013, 09:01 AM #3
I didn't know that Walmart was in WA. Do you shop there often
To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional
Confidence, the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.
What could possibly go wrong.
9th July 2013, 11:10 AM #4anne-maria.
Tea Lady
(White with none)
Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.
9th July 2013, 01:37 PM #5
There's a bit of a private double take on the use of the term "Wal"mart people.
When I take our two Border Collies for a run (let's be quite clear here, the dogs are the doing running, I'm the one dawdling ) I'm often wearing threadbare overalls, a floppy hat (with dog chewed brim) and clapped out steel caps and SWMBO calls me Wal as in "Wally Footroot".
Definitely Shoppers.
17th July 2013, 10:01 PM #6
Your description of you as Wal and the dogs in tow reminds me of my all-time favourite Footrot Flats cartoon:
Wal is out walking the padocks with the Dog and comes to an electric fence. Wal indicates to the Dog that he should test it to see if it is live. The Dog dutifully grabs the fence and gives the nod to Wal.
Wal straddles the fence, takes an almighty belt to the knackers and leaps five feet into the air howling for all he is worth. The Dog smiles knowingly at the reader and confides, "And I'd wear it again just to see that!"
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
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18th July 2013, 01:14 AM #7
22nd July 2013, 04:18 PM #8
Another Walmart people moment
SWMBO has had the flu for the last 4 days.
This morning I got up and being a touch on the cold side I pulled on some house tracky dacks with the large hole in the crotch, my manky ugg boots, and a lowish tier wind cheater (but not the one with the melted sleeves) which I absent mindedly put on over my bright blue and white PJ top.
I then made some breakfast for SWMBO and myself, fed the dogs, hung out and put on some washing, and also unpacked and restacked the dishwasher.
Then it was time to walk the dogs, so, noting the manky ugg boots, I changed to my walking trainers (only one side of which has been chewed out by the dogs) bundled the dogs into the car and went down to the river and let them chase each other and other dogs for half an hour.
On the way home I thought there's no bread or coffee so I will stop off at the shops and get some.
Inside the supermarket an over chatty neighbour said hello and started telling me her latest life drama which I managed to ignore but as I drew away I did notice she looked at me a little strangely.
When I got home I brought a cuppa into SWMBO and she looked at me and said, "been to Walmart again darling?"
I glanced at myself in the mirror and then saw the crotch blown tracky dacs and the PJ top.
SWMBO was not amused especially when I told her I once wore a PJ top to the hardware and it was inside out.
22nd July 2013, 05:12 PM #9
Ahh Bob
Bob, you & I sir, could be in serious strife - if your SWMBO and my SWMTSWTP (She Who Mistakenly Thinks She Wears The Pants) ever get to compare notes it would seem!
Maybe we shared genes somewhere down the family tree as their are so many seeming similarities...betwixt our attire and choice in dogs.
Unlike your good self - while you were walking said dogs at the river at some ungodly hour, - I was flat out on my back checking the inside of my eyelids for holes!.
Thankful to report that all is clear - and eye lids are good for one more days use!
31st July 2013, 04:11 AM #10
31st July 2013, 09:29 AM #11
31st July 2013, 12:13 PM #12
I edited my comment for clarity ... but now I'm regretting mentioning 'nuts' at all.
31st July 2013, 03:16 PM #13
Once you're over 60 it's perfectly fine to go to the shops in your boxers......no one will even look twice.
Cheers, Bill
13th August 2013, 08:56 AM #14
Spew Warning
REAL Walmart People
The Latest Crop of WALMARTIANS … | Bear TalesEvery day is better than yesterday
31st August 2013, 11:27 PM #15
I have been assuming everyone would know about this video ... true?
(It was commissioned **by Walmart** !)
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