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Thread: Wattyl I do next ....
8th June 2013, 08:06 AM #1
Wattyl I do next ....
I've always had good results with a combination of stain, 2 coats of matt estapol and then rubbing over with the wattyl Scandinavian teak oil ... but not this time around ... working in poor light, the cold and in a tight time frame. After rubbing over the oil the result is a patchy finish - tolerable in some places and rough to the touch elsewhere. The second coat of estapol was the problem - in places too thick, poor adhesion and in some places pretty well missed....
Any ideas how i bring this one back and get a good outcome ... wish I'd left it and sanded in back and recoated before using the oil
8th June 2013, 11:26 AM #2
Welcome Bazza,
There's no reason why you can't sand it back now and redo the process from scratch. Are you using a Random Orbital? If so, you can get a brilliant, hard wearing finish using the oil only, no Estapol. If you want I can detail it to you or you can come and see it done for yourself.
Either way, sanding back should fix your problem.
Pic #1 WSO used on a Red Gum and Jarrah Coffee Table. No further finish has been used.
9th June 2013, 07:35 AM #3
Wattyl this Wally do next
There's no reason why you can't sand it back now and redo the process from scratch......
eekk .. all the way from scratch. Thankfully I use a random orbital - have a look at the job again on a warmer day
I'm not sure about all the chemistry of finishes but the back of my mind was the concern that putting the estapol on top of the previously oiled finish would compound the issues, make it worse and add to my woes.
Any idea what it would happen if the estapol goes over the oil without removing it all??
9th June 2013, 11:13 AM #4
Hi Bazza,
I guess that would depend in part on whether it's water based or spirit based. The oil should be the first thing that comes off though, and because you're using Estapol before you oil the work, it's not likely that the oil has gone right through to the wood.. Again, if you're sanding right back to bare wood, then resanding, I assume, to something like 400g before adding the stain and then Estapol, you should be safe.
19th June 2013, 02:21 PM #5
19th June 2013, 02:48 PM #6
Hi Brian,
Well you've probably realized there's no Jarrah on that table , its Huon Pine.
WSO is Wattyl Natural Teak (Scandinavian) Oil WSO!
You can use Organoil HBO as I mentioned to you in another thread. Both give brilliant finish. In fact I redid that table in HBO after about 12 months to give it food safety. There was no other reason to remove the Wattyl oil.
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