
This is my first post on this forum so i would to thank you all for popping my cherry!!! I am wanting to remove a load bearing wall that is currently supporting a strut beam and what seems to be a random beam that is running parallel to my ceiling joist (so figured it cant be a hanging beam) and has no struts attached to it. (so figured it can't be a strut beam) Although it it does have another strut beam at a t-junction on to it so it is obviously there for a reason.


The maroon wall is what i want to remove to open the kitchen up to the living room. After doing a bit of reading/research and correct me if i am wrong, i would need to replace the shorter strut beam with a larger one the would extend from the external to the interior wall. And then shorten the so called random beam and join it to the new strut beam. I am still not sure if i should make this beam a strut/hanging beam as yet.

if this is the correct procedure, how would i go about working out my ROOF AREA SUPPORT to find out what beam i need

Thanks in advance

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