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1st June 2013, 11:23 PM #1
Broken Ryobi Multi-tool: Kudos for the big green shed.
Bought a Ryobi Multi-tool Renovator Kit in September 2012. I's been given a very hard workout since - with plastering, tiling, plumbing, cabling, sanding, cutting soft and hardwood. It vibrated itself to pieces - well the oscillating head housing did Took it in to The Big Green Shed Ballarat today. They replaced it with a new one. In and out in under 10 minutes. Top service.
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 2 Likes, 0 , 0John Saxton, HOOKED.UP liked this post
4th June 2013, 08:03 PM #2
improvement at the big green shed.
Hi Sheddie ,that's good news for you partcularly when you say that the tool had had a fair work out in the intervening period .
Things are looking up in the green shed ,I bought a portable generator 6 months ago ,used it a few times then there was a period of about 4 months before I used it next.When I got it out it would run alright for only
short periods of time by the failing of the sparking system of the motor.
On taking it back they offered a choice to replace it ,a refund or an upgrade which I did to another model.
More than fair to say I'm happy now whereas I have been a detractor in the past with some dealings there .
As the saying goes Give credit where credit is due certainly is .
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
4th June 2013, 08:11 PM #3
Always good to hear about good service
Somwthing has definitely happened at the Big Green Shed, even their staff are very attentive and try to help whenever they can.
Come to think of it, it is almost like being in a Masters store
4th June 2013, 08:24 PM #4
4th June 2013, 08:45 PM #5
I do a lot of deliveries Masters stores but only had a look inside one last week. Interesting to see what companies are represented in the tool department.
Also do a lot of deliveries to Stratco stores. They are now more like a cross between the green & blue sheds with a sprinkling of M10 & Home HDWR. Purchased a multi tool renovator at Stratco, does an outstanding job too.
Competition is good, monopolization is notThe person who never made a mistake never made anything
4th June 2013, 10:02 PM #6
I don't know why kudos should be in the offing for meeting a basic warranty obligation. Kudo's would be more appropriate if the tool was replaced by a superior model or make, or replacing it if it was just outside the warranty period. Maybe it's because they make a mess of so much else when they do something right we're thankful they didn't mess it up?