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  1. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post
    Think you may have missed the tongue in cheek there Peter.
    Thanks FF, saved me saying it.
    Visit my website

  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post
    I'm sure that you'll keep saying that when a speeding drunk driver hits the car that your best mate was driving and kills him, like what happened to my mate.

    It's easy to talk in the abstract or make fun of it thinking it will never happen to you BUT when you or your family are touched in a similar manner by these hoons that disobey the road laws I'm sure you will very quickly change your tune.

    I'll now leave this topic, I've said my bit, but some of you with your attitudes disgust me.

    You know folks I have to agree with Sturdee on this.
    I looked at my profile this morning and it seems I have been here a few days past 9 years.

    When I joined this was the best forum on the net, we could swap views and share opinions, and we could do so without it becoming personal, without taking it personally, and without putting the other person down. We could respect the other person without agreeing with their view, we could accept that someone having a different view does not make them a lesser person, and we could participate in a thread without resorting to personal attacks and put downs on someone who committed the henous crime of disagreeing. We did all this with a STRONG sense of fun, a STRONG sense of respect and WITHOUT getting personal.

    What I have found in this thread is a moderator who criticises a post without actually reading it properly, and while quick to wrongly criticise remains strangely silent when called out about his error (I've moderated forums including one of 8000 members, and when you are known as a mod you are expected to stand out from the crowd and work to a higher level in terms of what you post) and personal attacks combined with a gross lack of respect for each other.

    Using as an example my comment about driving a car with not a lot of clutch. The fact is that I was working shifts which precluded public transport, the same shifts also made it hard to get family or friends to give me a ride the 40k each way, and the clutch went bad pretty suddenly. So yeah I drove it for the two weeks it took me to find a place that could do the job and also give me a loan car to get to work.
    Now certain people are going to slag me off no end for such a horrendous deed, but the fact that I drove it for two weeks incident (and accident) free is proof that I was safe - and most of the 30 cops I shared an office with knew the condition of the car and obviouslyl didn't have a problem with it either.
    Did I enjoy driving the car that way - not particularly it was a pain in the butt. BUT, I made the best of what I had at the time, I felt just a little pride that I COULD do it (in terms of skill) and if I had to do it again I would.

    The fact is that we do not all have the same perfect little lives with a plethora of spare vehicles, finances and friends able to provide taxi services. Not all of us have the finances to replace cars every few years, some of us have to make do with older cars that aren't quite perfect - we make the best of what we have. Some of us even prefer older cars with a little character - my ideal car would be a Hx-Hz Kingswood wagon.

    This forum is not (at least it didn't used to be) about slagging people off, or making personal attacks on fellow members because they don't live up to or by your standard.
    And the worst part of it all, is that the worst of it isn't coming from newbies with 10 minutes membership and less than 100 posts, the worst of it is coming from senior members with upwards of 5k posts - the very people that should be better, that should know better, and who should be looked up to around here.

    Jason Plato (British touring car driver) when asked about an accident replied "my bucket of talent wasn't as full as I thought it was".
    Well folks after this thread and being attacked and slagged off, my bucket of respect is a lot emptier than it use to be.

    As with Sturdee I am out of this thread, have fun folks.

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by smidsy View Post
    You know folks I have to agree with Sturdee on this.
    I looked at my profile this morning and it seems I have been here a few days past 9 years.

    When I joined this was the best forum on the net, we could swap views and share opinions, and we could do so without it becoming personal, without taking it personally, and without putting the other person down. We could respect the other person without agreeing with their view, we could accept that someone having a different view does not make them a lesser person, and we could participate in a thread without resorting to personal attacks and put downs on someone who committed the henous crime of disagreeing. We did all this with a STRONG sense of fun, a STRONG sense of respect and WITHOUT getting personal.

    You still can but personal attacks have and always will be stomped on pretty quickly.

    What I have found in this thread is a moderator who criticises a post without actually reading it properly, and while quick to wrongly criticise remains strangely silent when called out about his error (I've moderated forums including one of 8000 members, and when you are known as a mod you are expected to stand out from the crowd and work to a higher level in terms of what you post) and personal attacks combined with a gross lack of respect for each other.

    I have spent the last 35 minutes reading this whole thread through again and can find nowhere where a mod has criticised any one. If you point it out to me it shall be dealt with.

    Using as an example my comment about driving a car with not a lot of clutch. The fact is that I was working shifts which precluded public transport, the same shifts also made it hard to get family or friends to give me a ride the 40k each way, and the clutch went bad pretty suddenly. So yeah I drove it for the two weeks it took me to find a place that could do the job and also give me a loan car to get to work.
    Now certain people are going to slag me off no end for such a horrendous deed, but the fact that I drove it for two weeks incident (and accident) free is proof that I was safe - and most of the 30 cops I shared an office with knew the condition of the car and obviouslyl didn't have a problem with it either.
    Did I enjoy driving the car that way - not particularly it was a pain in the butt. BUT, I made the best of what I had at the time, I felt just a little pride that I COULD do it (in terms of skill) and if I had to do it again I would.

    The fact is that we do not all have the same perfect little lives with a plethora of spare vehicles, finances and friends able to provide taxi services. Not all of us have the finances to replace cars every few years, some of us have to make do with older cars that aren't quite perfect - we make the best of what we have. Some of us even prefer older cars with a little character - my ideal car would be a Hx-Hz Kingswood wagon.

    This forum is not (at least it didn't used to be) about slagging people off, or making personal attacks on fellow members because they don't live up to or by your standard.
    And the worst part of it all, is that the worst of it isn't coming from newbies with 10 minutes membership and less than 100 posts, the worst of it is coming from senior members with upwards of 5k posts - the very people that should be better, that should know better, and who should be looked up to around here.

    In your first paragraph you say that people used to be able to disagree without getting slagged on, however reading through the posts, people are expressing their opinions not slagging anyone off and you seem to be the one arguing with some when they said you deserved the fine for not wearing a helmet.

    Jason Plato (British touring car driver) when asked about an accident replied "my bucket of talent wasn't as full as I thought it was".
    Well folks after this thread and being attacked and slagged off, my bucket of respect is a lot emptier than it use to be.

    As with Sturdee I am out of this thread, have fun folks.
    This thread will be closed in 24 hours as it is starting to act like the Oozlum bird.

  4. #79
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    I saw Smidsy's and 's post last night and thought long and hard whether, despite my desire to no longer debate this issue for I felt it might become personal, I should reply to some things mentioned.

    However :

    Quote Originally Posted by smidsy
    And the worst part of it all, is that the worst of it isn't coming from newbies with 10 minutes membership and less than 100 posts, the worst of it is coming from senior members with upwards of 5k posts - the very people that should be better, that should know better, and who should be looked up to around here.
    As I feel that this post was specifically aimed at me, and tried to put me down, I've decided to make some final comments in rebuttal. I don't need your admonition that I should know better.

    I'm not the one that breaks road laws and then whinge that I've been unfairly treated when I get caught BUT you keep on how bad it is and how unfair it is because you want special treatment because of your circumstances.

    So admonish yourself rather then others.

    Quote Originally Posted by smidsy
    When I joined this was the best forum on the net, we could swap views and share opinions, and we could do so without it becoming personal, without taking it personally, and without putting the other person down......................... We did all this with a STRONG sense of fun, a STRONG sense of respect and WITHOUT getting personal.
    At no time have I made this personal, neither have I put you down, but this topic is not a fun topic but IMO a deadly serious one. All I have done is disagree with you and use your own points in rebuttal.

    Quote Originally Posted by smidsy
    The fact is that we do not all have the same perfect little lives with a plethora of spare vehicles, finances and friends able to provide taxi services. Not all of us have the finances to replace cars every few years, some of us have to make do with older cars that aren't quite perfect - we make the best of what we have. Some of us even prefer older cars.
    I don't have a plethora of spare vehicles and finances to replace cars every few years. I am a simple pensioner who drives an 18 year old car and my wife drives a 15 year old car BUT both are in good mechanical condition. The first and only time I bought a new car was when I was 22 and single and worry free, since then it has always been second hand cars. So we're in the same boat.

    Finally this is a deadly serious topic and should not be treated lightly. The death toll and serious injuries that can happen from accidents make it that way so I will always refute and oppose anyone and anywhere who thinks it's okay to not obey the road laws. If you don't like them go tell it to your member of parliament to get change but meanwhile obey them for your own, or your loved ones lives may depend on it.

    And that was definitely my final comment.


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  6. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post
    ... when I was 22 and single and worry free, since then it has always been second hand

    No one is taking the the road toll lightly tho we may be lightly discussing it.

    Driving and the traffic laws are not always a subject for sepulchral tones ... it is possible to be lighthearted even when machine guns are chattering away at you. Your premise that the road toll can only be discussed as 'deadly serious' is false. Happy people are just as good at making decisions as miserable ones are.

    I wasn't gunna post this cuz I thought it would reawaken old wounds from my previous conviction of parking in a wheelchair space. But now that you have definitely, finally and utterly, made your last post no problem of comeback ....

    cool bananas ... Greg

  7. #81
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    I think this thread has well and truly...


    At least he's wearing a helmet although I'm not sure it will satisfy Australian Standards
    It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it.

  8. #82
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    Oh dear.

    We let our sentiments get in the way of good manners all too often and I have to say I'm at least as guilty as the next man or woman. Perhaps not here, but I certainly have been in the past.

    As the instigator of the thread I have to bear some responsibility for the way it has degenerated and it comes down to the simple fact that the subject matter is more evocative than I had first thought: Not that this would have prevented me posting, but I might well have chosen to present it differently and more tactfully.

    Clearly, we have trodden on some sensitive nerves and not responded in a sympathetic manner. It is sometimes hard to know what is going through another's mind and we are overly critical. I am saying this as someone who has lost a person in a motoring accident. I understand the surge of emotion this can produce.

    I also understand the absurdity of some laws, but as I said there is little defense when the law is the law. As for abiding by the law that is up to the individual, but you do have to be aware of the legal consequences and maybe more importantly the social stigma of living with an accident caused by you if you were to blame.

    I'm glad to be able to squeeze in a last post before the thread is shut down and my intention is that it is a lesson to us all to respect each other, respect our opinions and to respect the right of each and everyone to express a view even when it is contrary to our own standpoint.

    This section of the forum is vibrant and I enjoy taking a break from woody type things to discuss the ills of the world at large. All those of you who have contributed to this thread have had an important input without which we would have no discussion.

    I'm glad you all care .

    Best regards

    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  9. #83
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    Bushy, simply put, he broke the law and the law won! Now build a bridge and get over it.


    In trying to learn a little about everything,
    you become masters of nothing.

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